Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Green Technology what scope is there for green technology in mechanical engineering ?

Question by bsa_073: what scope is there for green technology in mechanical engineering ?
(how green technology can chage mechanical engineering convensional methods and what things can green technology do with mechanical engineering)

Best answer:

Answer by cornflake
full answer to that question would be an essay or even a book, but i will try to highlight some points.

– power generation:
— thermodynamics (a huge branch of mechanical engineering) deals with devising more efficient ways of harvesting solar, wind, wave, tidal, geothermal, and nuclear (it’s greener than you think, though not renewable) power.
— it is also relevant to reduction of emissions from existing plants.
— fluid dynamics is a field of mechanical engineering which deals with fluid flow. as such any turbine (wind, hydro) is designed by mechanical engineers

– Cars: designing alternate fuel (or hybrid) engines, but the majority of the impact is on large engines like busses, class 8 trucks etc.

- Design
— design for recycling – emphasis in design is shifting (veeeeery slowly) towards design for easy disassembly such that different materials can be recycled easier (BMW is a pioneer in that, Xerox a bit too, they take back their photocopiers to salvage parts)
— design for environment – i’m not kidding, it exists. deals with things like choosing to bend a piece of metal instead of spending energy cutting and welding, or casting. essentially design to use less energy during fabrication.

i’m sure there are more things. these are just some off top of my head. hope it helps.

EDIT: i just remembered, one of my profs is working on fuel cell technology.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Engineering, Green, mechanical, scope, Technology, there


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