Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Green Living Consulting How do I get my husband full citizenship for the USA?

Question by Christina: How do I get my husband full citizenship for the USA?
My husband moved to the USA from China 12 years ago, and has been working with his uncle to get a full citizenship, his uncle having lived here before him, and a lawyer. He has a work visa type of thing, and it’s just taking a while to get it all straightened out, apparently due to the distant relationship with his uncle (in law). We got married a month ago, and I’m wondering if there’s a way to speed it up since I was born in Kansas. Any help is appreciated, not a huge deal but it’d be nice to get it taken care of.

Best answer:

Answer by Yak Rider
There’s absolutely no type of work visa that would allow him to live and work in the USA for 12 years.

There is no provision in US immigration law for an uncle to petition for a nephew, none.

This is your husband. He owes you an honest account of how he got to the United States (most likely as a tourist). Nobody can offer you any assistance until you uncover the truth. If he won’t speak honestly with you then you need to wonder what else he’s willing to lie about.

What you need to do will depend on a truthful account of things. For instance, if he came on a tourist visa and simply stayed it should be possible for you to get him his Green Card.

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Tags:citizenship, Consulting, full, Green, husband, Living


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