Monday, September 2, 2013

Green Home Plans Q&A: Can my father re-enter US with a 1980 issued Green Card that has no expiration date and his passport?

Question by Josh: Can my father re-enter US with a 1980 issued Green Card that has no expiration date and his passport?
I am planning on going to the Caribbean nation of Grenada with my father soon. He hasn’t been to his home country, Grenada, in many, many years. He never got US citizenship but has a permanent resident card aka Green Card. His green card was issued in 1980 and does not have an expiration date. Immigration (USICS) claims that cards issued between 1979 and 1988 do not need to be renewed since they don’t have an expiration date. The photo is old but my father is very recognizable in the photo even 30 years later. My father has a Grenada passport. I am wondering if he will be able to re-enter the US with his Grenada passport and his green card. I don’t want to have any trouble.

Best answer:

Answer by going_for_baroque
Best answer- Probably. Gotta assume that he’s been a resident for a long time. He’ll have a work history and lots of forms 1040, etc. If anyone suspects he’s been outside the US for a long time (years, decades), he’ll get hassled on the way back. But if he can *prove* his presence in the US just a few weeks before he arrives, that’ll help a lot. For starters, he should have his passport stamped on arrival in Grenada. That’ll show when he arrived. If he’s returning a few weeks later, CBP can see that he *arrived* in Grenada just a short time before.

Suggestion: Get something like a camera or laptop registered before he leaves. CBP will want to know that they’re not entitled to collect duty on that camera that he’s bringing back. Take the camera to a CBP office before you leave (try the airport during working hours on your way out) and get him to let CBP examine his camera. They’ll give him a form 4455, which will document that the camera was in the US on such-and-such a date, so it couldn’t have been purchased in Grenada, then brought into the US as duty free. Sure, it’s a slight pain in the timetable, but he’ll have an official document (Form 4455) and a date and an official CBP signature. … Just a suggestion.

Take care!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:1980, Card, Date, expiration, father, Green, home, issued, passport, Plans, reenter


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