Thursday, October 31, 2013

Green Home PlansThe Hand-Sculpted House: A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage: The Real Goods Solar Living Book

The Hand-Sculpted House: A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage: The Real Goods Solar Living Book

Are you ready for the Cob Cottage? This is a building method so old and so simple that it has been all but forgotten in the rush to synthetics. A cob cottage,cobb, however, might be the ultimate expression of ecological design, a structure so attuned

List Price: $ 35.00

Price: $ 21.04

Tags:book, Building, Cottage, Goods, Green, Guide, HandSculpted, home, house, Living, Philosophical, Plans|The, Practical, real, solar

Austin Green LivingShade of the Maple

Shade of the Maple

Anna Matthews left home at eighteen, a young woman rooted in small-town virtues, seeking adventure in the Green Mountains of Vermont. She found a free-spirited young man whose boundless imagination captivated her heart. Forced apart, Anna tries to bu

List Price: $ 14.00

Price: $ 2.41

Roth Tei-en’s Journal of Japanese Gardening: Green Views in the Healthcare Environment; Paths What Are Hikae-ishi; Carpentry Se-wari Kerfing; Sukiya Living Peer Ranking; Sudare Bamboo Blinds; Hedge Shears; Hoki and Chiri-tori (No. 46 Jul/Aug 2005)


Tags:Austin, Green, LivingShade, maple

Green Living Technologies Q&A: How come alot of White Americans dont know or have any relatives in Canada?

Question by : How come alot of White Americans dont know or have any relatives in Canada?
I just noticed that in America many of my white friends dont have any relatives or dont know anyone in canada. Im asian myself, but I have relatives in canada and my other asian friends know or have a relative living in canada. Im wondering, did White americans share a different history from white canadians?

Best answer:

Answer by Ali
When North America was first colonized, many families immigrated together, it was uncommon for families to be split with one section going to British or French Canada and the other section going to either British or Independent American Colonies. For more recent immigrations, it can be done and is done due to job opportunities or access to green cards and the distance wouldn’t matter as much due to the internet and other technology.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:alot, Americans, canada, come, Don't, Green, know, Living, relatives, Technologies, white

Green Living Ideas What r some good hearty saltwater fish, that are a community fish?

Question by Sheri B: What r some good hearty saltwater fish, that are a community fish?
We have a 125gal saltwater tank and we have 2 clowns, little puffer, little lionfish, bleeny, we have found that tangs are so fragile, slight change in the water they just die, while these other fish live, any ideas

Best answer:

Answer by Quiet Tempest
I would say a shoal of chromis or damsels would look nice in there, but I would be hesitant with keeping a lionfish (even a dwarf) in a community tank because they will prey on anything they think can fit in their mouth.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:community, Fish, Good, Green, hearty, ideas, Living, Saltwater, some

Green Living Newsletter Q&A: Can u tell me some articles I can put on my school project which is to create a newspaper?

Question by ♥GIRL POWER♥: Can u tell me some articles I can put on my school project which is to create a newspaper?

Best answer:

Answer by Rosemary S
When you sit down to plan what goes in a newspaper, you’re doing something very important.
Think of who will read the newspaper. That will give you lots of ideas of what kind of articles should be included.
Sometimes newsletters have a theme. It’s Spring, so Earth Day and Arbor Day and Global warming and alternate fuels and what kids can do and “living green” are all possible topics.
Sometimes newsletters have a point of view, and that would be related to your readers, or the people you hope will be your readers. You wouldn’t have an article about “10 Easy Hamburger Dinners” in a newsletter for vegans, for example.
So, if you think hard about your audience, you’re on your way.

It doesn’t hurt, however, to look at magazines YOU like to read to see what’s in there. Then, you could organize your newsletter to have several articles that “go together”.

Do you need to write the the entire newsletter or just create the plan for one? Do you need to lay out the newsletter after it is written? If you answer yes to either of these questions, then you need to think about that, too, but you’re wise to think of the “what” first.

In your school or public library, there are some great books for making a newsletter. Good luck.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Articles, Create, Green, Living, Newsletter, newspaper, project, School, some, tell

Green Companies if oil is formed of fossils of animals and plants how come deserts have a lot of oil ?

Question by the_stig!: if oil is formed of fossils of animals and plants how come deserts have a lot of oil ?
while many other greener companies have no oil at all?

Best answer:

Answer by Geology Rock Star
Because deserts weren’t always deserts. They were once shallow seas, humid rain forests or other areas rich in life.
Likewise areas that don’t have oil were once areas that weren’t conducive for the production of oil. The east Coast of the USA, once once a huge mountain range, any oil bearing sediements have long since eroded away

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:animals, come, Companies, deserts, Formed, fossils, Green, plants

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Green Technology Do cons understand that energy conservation makes America more competitive?

Question by Truth: Do cons understand that energy conservation makes America more competitive?
Why are cons against green technology?

Is it just mindless parrots repeating the dribble they hear from Chevron sponsored mouth pieces like Rush Limbaugh, or do they have a point?

Best answer:

Answer by regerugged
You can conserve 100% of energy by not using any energy. Now who will you compete with and how?
Free markets provide incentives for energy conservation. There is a new housing development in my township. The homes use 72% less energy than conventional homes being built today. It is all done with private money. When solar panels are added to homes of this type of construction, the homes actually produce more energy than they use. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:America, Competitive, Con's, conservation, energy, Green, makes, more, Technology, understand

Renewable Energy How do Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) work?

Question by Kyle J: How do Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) work?
Is it an incentive to use renewable energy?

Best answer:

Answer by bestonnet_00
The basic idea that people who feel bad about something can buy them to get rid of the guilt.

The way that they work is that a very small amount (much less than the subsidies and tax breaks given to politically correct energy) of money goes to those who operate a wind turbine or solar panel (or even methane gas recovery systems at landfills, sometimes things that would have to be built regardless of whether any carbon credits were sold), the amount of money that the carbon offset actually provides is really too small to actually encourage use of politically correct energy, especially when you consider how much bigger the subsidies are (and they really are over-subsidised compared to how much energy they produce).

Of course there are renewable energy credit systems that do actually help, just that they cost so much more that the frauds out compete them (and governments don’t seem too interested in keeping that sector honest, some such schemes are actually run by the government, including some that sell more renewable energy than they actually generate (in other areas of the economy the word used for that is fraud)).

The main purposes that renewable energy credits serve are to act as indulgences and to help fool people into believing that fossil fuels can be replaced without using nuclear power (which thereby prevents fossil fuels from actually being replaced and keeps the coal and oil companies in business).

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:credits, energy, RECs, Renewable, Work

Living Green MagazineCrystal Stickers Elements 5mm Round 68/Pkg-Green Crystal Stickers Elements 5mm Round 68/Pkg-Green

Crystal Stickers Elements 5mm Round 68/Pkg-Green Crystal Stickers Elements 5mm Round 68/Pkg-Green

  • Brand Name: WMU Mfg#: 657562
  • Shipping Weight: 0.01 lbs
  • Please refer to SKU# PRA17290593 when you inquire.
  • This product may be prohibited inbound shipment to your destination.
  • Residents of CA, DC, MA, MD, NJ, NY – STUN GUNS, AMMO/MAGAZINES, AIR/BB GUNS and RIFLES are prohibited shipping to your state. Also note that picture may wrongfully represent. Please read title and description thoroughly.

Crystal Stickers Elements 5mm Round 68/Pkg-Green. MARK RICHARDS-Crystal Stickers: Elements. Theses tickers are acid free and adhere to virtually any surface. Crystal Elements offers a wide variety of clear stones in various sizes including 2mm 3mm an

List Price: $ 19.50

Price: $ 9.01

Tags:68/PkgGreen, Crystal, Elements, Green, Living, MagazineCrystal, Round, stickers

Green Living Show How do I get a green card after marriage?

Question by blarneyspeakred: How do I get a green card after marriage?
Will we be put under a microscope? This is a legit marriage, if I have to live in Europe w/ him, I will, so no smartass answers please.
Why don’t you read correctly before you answer?? Jeez…

Best answer:

Answer by United We Stand
Stay in Europe and check with the policies there.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:after, Card, Green, Living, Marriage, show

Eco Friendly Homes What is the min. average cost to build an environmental friendly home, read details...?

Question by bagierra: What is the min. average cost to build an environmental friendly home, read details…?
2 story house w/ basement & attic, size would comfortably fit 4-5 people including parents & 3 kids. Most important features would be eco friendly materials, energy efficient, great plumbing leading to some kind of compost or septic tank. Can anyone help me with a ball park, I don’t need any exact figures i know that i would need alot more detail for that. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by sparky_dy
It all depends on how much reclaimed material you can scrounge and how much time you can put into the project. The more you have to get other people to do for you, the more it’s going to cost you.

It’s actually surprising how energy-efficient 19th century terraced houses can be, especially when retro-fitted with double glazing and modern insulation. They already tend to make good use of natural daylight, as gas and electric light were very expensive, and have reasonable air circulation — which was important in the days before central heating. Such houses are invariably found in towns and usually are quite close to a railway station (as they were built mainly for workers in the secondary industries spawned by the coming of the railways). It was only in the mid 20th century, with the promise of abundant cheap energy, that we really dropped the ball on efficiency.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:average, build, cost, Details, environmental, friendly, home, Homes, min., read

Green Modular Homes Can I switch power cords around on my electric ranges to make use of existing outlet?

Question by Edward: Can I switch power cords around on my electric ranges to make use of existing outlet?
I posted a different version of this question but previously screwed up important details on my end so I am reposting.

We recently had to replace the range in our 4 year old modular home. The range we are replacing is actually a few years newer than the one we are putting in. Unfortunately, the ranges do not have the same power cord. I am wondering if I can simply remove the power cord from the previous range and put it on the one to be installed, or if that is a bad move. The previous range had a 4 prong power cord:

The power cord on the one I want to put in is a 3 prong:

This is the outlet:

What I want to know is, would it hurt anything if I took the 4 prong power cord (off the broken range) and install it on the one we are putting in now. Hopefully I made this post more clear than the previous, and the details are now correct and accompanied by pictures.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by dtstellwagen
Your last question was a little confusing, you need to use a 4 wire cord to match the outlet, it would be fine to use the cord you have. It is the required NEMA 14-50 type.

There will be a short jumper on the range when connected using a 3 wire cord that connects the center/white wire terminal to the frame of the range, disconnect it, connect the white/neutral wire from the cord to the center terminal on the range and connect the ground/green wire from the cord to the frame.

Do not use any 3 wire cord, you have a 4 wire outlet, here is the rule that allows 3 wire receptacles, it doesn’t apply to your installation:

2008 NEC 250.140 Frames of Ranges and Clothes Dryers
Exception: for existing branch-circuit installation only where an equipment grounding conductor is not present in the outlet or junction box, the frames of electric ranges…clothes dryers, and outlet or junction boxes that are part of the circuit for these appliances shall be permitted to be connected to the grounded circuit conductor…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:around, cords, electric, existing, Green, Homes, Modular, Outlet, power, Ranges, switch

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pure Green LivingZig Memory System Calligraphy Dual-Tip Marker-Pure Green Zig Memory System Calligraphy Dual-Tip Mar

Zig Memory System Calligraphy Dual-Tip Marker-Pure Green Zig Memory System Calligraphy Dual-Tip Mar

  • Brand Name: Zig Mfg#: MS3400-040
  • Shipping Weight: 0.03 lbs

KURETAKE-ZIG Calligraphy Marker. This marker features a dual tip with narrow (2.0mm) and broad (5.0mm) ends. Ideal for making beautiful letters borders and designs on paper crafts. The water- based pigment ink is photo-safe acid free and lightfast. T

List Price: $ 23.58

Price: $ 23.72

Tags:Calligraphy, DualTip, Green, LivingZig, MarkerPure, Memory, Pure, system

Green Energy Q&A: What is cons for using nuclear power as a "green" energy source for canada?

Question by stefani: What is cons for using nuclear power as a “green” energy source for canada?
burning fossil fuels, such as coal, is contributing to global climate change, including dramatic changes in Canadian arctic. Should we consider using nuclear power as a “green” energy source for canada?
plz give me reasons why we shouldn’t use nuclear power as a green energy source for canada.

Best answer:

Answer by edthespartan
I’m not anti-nuke, but (a) nuke plants are potential targets for terrorists(who will eventually discover that Canada also exists and is enough like America that they should hate it too), (b) Three Mile Island and Chernobyl happened and (c) sooner or later, you have to do something with the spent nuclear fuel, and that’s a bugger.

I think that steps 1 and 2 should be to reduce energy consumption and then to maximize the use of safer technologies like geothermal and wind power.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:canada, Con's, energy, Green, nuclear, power, source, Using

Green Home DesignJohn Deere Fleece Blanket with Embroidered Satin Trim - Down on the Farm Design

John Deere Fleece Blanket with Embroidered Satin Trim – Down on the Farm Design

  • Start your baby’s engine with an officially licensed John Deere blanket a Deere for your baby dear
  • Super soft green fleece with decorated satin trim
  • Baby blanket is 30″ x 40″
  • Machine wash gentle
  • Pickles baby products are the finest quality textile available for your bundle of joy

Start your baby’s engine with John Deere’s crib set and coordinating fleece baby blankets with embroidered satin trim. These are essential components for your baby dear. This is softer, richer, and more gratifying to touch than anything you have felt

List Price: $ 31.00

Price: $ 20.36

Green Street Hooligans

  • A wrongfully expelled Harvard undergrad moves to London, where he is introduced to the violent underworld of soccer hooliganism.Running Time: 108 min. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: ACTION/ADVENTURE Rating: R Age: 012569760295 UPC: 012569760295 Manufacturer No: 76029

A wrongfully expelled Harvard undergrad moves to London, where he is introduced to the violent underworld of soccer hooliganism. DVD Features:
Documentary:The Making of Hooligans
Music Video:”One Blood” Music Video by Terence Jay
After the L

List Price: $ 5.97

Price: $ 2.95

Tags:Blanket, Deere, Design, DesignJohn, down, Embroidered, Farm, Fleece, Green, home, Satin, trim

Green Walls Living Walls What color walls would look good with medium grey rugs?

Question by C: What color walls would look good with medium grey rugs?
I have recently knocked out a wall seperating my living room and 2nd room to make one large living room. I want to get grey rugs installed. i am getting new furniture (not picked out yet). I want to paint the walls a different color than white. I want it to be a light color. but I want something that will look good for a living room. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by rob c

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:color, Good, Green, Grey, Living, look, Medium, rugs, Walls, would

Eco Green LivingSustainable Living on the Island of Molokai

Sustainable Living on the Island of Molokai

With only 8000 residents and a wealth of natural resources the island of Molokai represents a place with great potential for sustainable living. In fact, many residents are already utilizing this potential in creative ways.

Molokai fa

List Price: $ 19.99

Price: $ 18.00

Tags:Green, Island, Living, LivingSustainable, Molokai

Monday, October 28, 2013

How To Go Green What kind of green tea is there like lipton green tea citrus?

how to go green
by T.Rox

Question by katie: What kind of green tea is there like lipton green tea citrus?
I want to make tea at home instead of buying bottles of lipton green tea. Its getting exspensive. What kind of tea packets taste like citrus lipton green tea that i can make at home? And is green tea actually healthy?

Best answer:

Answer by Junglebook
green tea is healthy yes! and you can buy packets of lipton tea leaves so you can make it yourself :) just go to where all the tea is in bags.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Citrus, Green, kind, like, Lipton, there

Green Living StoreGreen Toys EcoSaucer Flying Disc

Green Toys EcoSaucer Flying Disc

  • 130ish grams
  • Awesome flying action!!
  • 100% recyclable packaging
  • Super safe: no phthalates or BPA
  • Made in USA

Green Toys EcoSaucer Flying Disc

List Price: $ 5.49

Price: $ 0.01

Tags:Disc, EcoSaucer, flying, Green, Living, StoreGreen, toys

Green Living Facts Q&A: Permaculture: How do you know if you are 'Green'? What would be your minimum criteria?

Question by belladonnadeadlynightshade: Permaculture: How do you know if you are ‘Green’? What would be your minimum criteria?
A question that keeps coming up for me. How Green is Green? What would be your minimum criteria? Do you have to be vegan or just change your light bulbs to low energy ones? Do you have to cycle to work or put on another jumper instead of heating the whole house? How do you know you are Green?

Best answer:

Answer by Amy L
Two things come to mind. Check your ecological footprint. Many taking the test require more than 1 planet to sustain their lifestyle.

And generally, permaculture is a lifestyle. The car you drive. Growing your own food. Working locally. It is an effort, across the board, at living well by living sustainably and adopting a set of earth ethics more in tune with nature.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:criteria, Facts, Green, know, Living, MINIMUM, Permaculture, would

Green Living CommunitiesBuilding a Green Community (Energy Revolution)

Building a Green Community (Energy Revolution)

shows you the importance and how tgo build a green community

List Price: $ 26.60

Price: $ 22.06

Biodegradable Lawn/leaf Bags 30 Gal. Heavy Duty 1.1 Mil Made In USA (Pack of 48)

  • Biodegradable – Compostable – Petroleum Free
  • Fully compostable in approximately 50-100 days in properly maintained compost facilities
  • Don’t need a full case? Buy only what you need in different quantities.
  • These products can be discarded with food waste as part of a community composting program.

Opaque Extra Heavy Gauge Design – 1.1 mil – DURABLE degradable trash bags are made from Eco Friendly and renewable polyester based proprietary resin.

List Price: $ 54.60

Price: $ 54.60

Tags:CommunitiesBuilding, community, energy, Green, Living, Revolution

Living GreenLiving World Ergonomic Dish, Green, Small

Living World Ergonomic Dish, Green, Small

  • Green, ceramic, non-porous dishes
  • Bacteria safe
  • Ergonomically slanted for easy reach to food
  • Base heavy; Prevents tipping over
  • 4.22 ounces; 3.5 inches long x 3.5 inches wide x 1.5 inches high

The Living World Ergonomic Small Animal Dish is a non-porous, bacteria safe ceramic dish that is perfect for your pet. The dish is ergonomically slanted so your small pet will not have to crane his neck to get to his food or water. The Living World E

List Price: $ 2.29

Price: $ 2.29

Tags:Dish, Ergonomic, Green, greenliving, Living, small, World

Green Construction Q&A: Where would be the most socially responsible place to get a loan?

Question by twizard: Where would be the most socially responsible place to get a loan?
for a green vehicle or green building construction?

Best answer:

Answer by Anthony Orbison
Don Corleone

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Construction, Green, loan, most, place, Responsible, socially, would

Green Living BlogsLiving it Up Women's Tee Shirt Medium-Kelly Green Babydoll

Living it Up Women’s Tee Shirt Medium-Kelly Green Babydoll

  • Machine wash and dry
  • Babydoll fit is VERY petite. See Measurement Chart.

Petite form-fitting babydoll style. Please refer to our sizing chart for measurements. This design also available as a regular fit women’s shirt in our other listings.

List Price: $ 17.99

Price: $ 13.89

Tags:Babydoll, BlogsLiving, Green, Living, MediumKelly, shirt, Womens

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Eco Friendly What are fun and cool ideas to make our school more eco-friendly?

Question by train: What are fun and cool ideas to make our school more eco-friendly?
My friend and I decided we wanted to make our school more eco friendly. We asked if we can have a contest of the class who can recycle the most but we thought that kids will just go crazy only for the prizes and later on, stop recycling. So good ideas. We need it fun, good prizes! Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by Sarita555
Contests, like..which class can preserve the most energy, and then in the end the class who did best gets a pizza party.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Cool, Ecofriendly, friendly, ideas, more, School

Green Living Books100 Favorite Patriotic Songs

100 Favorite Patriotic Songs

Disc 1:1. America The Beautiful2. All Quiet On The Potomac Tonight3. Ballad Of The Green Berets4. On Top Of Old Smokey5. Coyote Warrior6. Semper Fidelis7. Breeze From Alabama8. Onward Christian Soldiers9. Come Where My Love Lies Dreming10. Patriot11.

List Price: $ 9.98

Price: $ 54.97

Tags:Books100, favorite, Green, Living, patriotic, Songs

Eco Products I wanted to make a mobile car wash business. Is it profitable?

Question by Aaron: I wanted to make a mobile car wash business. Is it profitable?
I live in a wealthy area where people would pay me to wash their cars. I plan on using eco friendly products. If this is not profitable, can someone tell me what would be a good service industry job that pays well. I heard food trucks do well.

Best answer:

Answer by Magnasword2
One question. How would you wash said Car wash?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Business, Mobile, Products, profitable, wanted, Wash

Green Living Roof How to get your breath to smell good?

green living roof
by jdnx

Question by Madeline: How to get your breath to smell good?
I brush my teeth good as well as my tongue and roof of my mouth but some how my breath only stays minty fresh for at the most 10 minutes. Is there something wrong with me? I don’t eat garlic or anything like that. What can I do to make my breath smell good for a much longer period of time?

Best answer:

Answer by Cassandra Dedominicis
try using mouth wash :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:breath, Good, Green, Living, roof, smell

Green Living TechnologiesSafco 2981GN Public Recycling Container Square Steel 25 Gal Green

Safco 2981GN Public Recycling Container Square Steel 25 Gal Green

  • Helps organizes the collection of recyclable paper, cans, glass and waste efficiently.
  • High-capacity.
  • Interior wire secures plastic liners.

Public Recycling Container, Square, Steel, 25 gal, Green

List Price: $ 221.00

Price: $ 119.34

Tags:2981GN, Container, Green, Living, public, Recycling, Square, Steel, TechnologiesSafco

Green Living Nyc I'm 16 and from the Caribbean, and will be relocating to NYC. How do I go about getting into school?

Question by cindy: I’m 16 and from the Caribbean, and will be relocating to NYC. How do I go about getting into school?
I’m female, and am considered a very good student here. I’m not sure if I should be looking to enter high school or college. I will be receiving a green card shortly. What is the normal procedure in such a case?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeff P
First step is to establish residency. Since you will be receiving a green card, this will establish your permanent address. Then look up information about the local board of education in your neighborhood. You could find this info in a telephone book, but you will probably meet other families in your neighborhood who can tell you who to contact.

Good luck to you!

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:about, Caribbean, from, getting, Green, into, Living, NYC., relocating, School

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Green Walls Living Walls What colors would look good together for the walls of a living room?

Question by couchP56: What colors would look good together for the walls of a living room?
I’m getting ready to paint the walls in the living room. I need some ideas on what colors would look together.

Best answer:

Answer by Dharma
lavendar…soft and lt blue also soft. so refreshing and pretty

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:colors, Good, Green, Living, look, Room, together, Walls, would

Green Living Consulting My tortoise's eyes are closed for last two days and is not eating at all?

green living consulting
by wallyg

Question by Jagruti: My tortoise’s eyes are closed for last two days and is not eating at all?
My tortoise is 18 months old, green in color and almost round in shape. Suddently it stopped eating and his eye’s are close for two days now. But it moves around, and feels the sensation.

Best answer:

Answer by noname .
If any of your Animals are sick. I would have consult a veterinarian. Set up an appointment with a good one. Reptile speciality vets do cost a bit more, but on the same end. Your animal will get the attention and help it needs. That Tortoise will live 50+ years. so take care of it now.

Considering you have made an appointment with a reptile speciality vet and have a couple of days before the appointment. here is what you can do to help.
IF He has an eye infection of some sort. (most tortoise are prone to it. Lack of protein, vitamin A. and so fourth. Sometimes it just happens because the tortoise could have been wild caught or farmed raised.) most reptile stores sell zoomed turtle eye drops. Try soaking him in warm shallow clean water everyday for a 5-10 min. That helps break up the mucus in his eye (if he indeed has one. does not hurt to soak him anyways though). Then after the bath, drop the zoomed turtle drops in his eye, even if his eyes are closed still, allow the stuff to sit on his eye. If it is indeed an infection or bacteria building up, the doctor will recommend terramycin.

So good luck! and do not stop offering food!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Closed, Consulting, days, eating, eyes, Green, Last, Living, tortoise's

Green Living Room Decorating IdeasChildren's Wall Decals - Green Snake with White Spots - 12 inch Removable Graphic

Children’s Wall Decals – Green Snake with White Spots – 12 inch Removable Graphic

  • Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls
  • Re-Usable up to 100 times
  • Lightweight and easy take with you when you move
  • Affordable prices available in all sizes
  • Durable Photo-Tex Material beats vinyl any day

These Green Snake With White Spots Removable Wall Decals are not your standard vinyl wall stickers. Wallmonkeys uses premium Photo-Tex to produce decorative wall decals for the home, office space, or business. While Wallmonkeys has a wide selection o

List Price: $ 7.99

Price: $ 7.99

Tags:Decals, Decorating, Graphic, Green, IdeasChildren's, Inch, Living, Removable, Room, Snake, Spots, wall, white

Friday, October 25, 2013

Green Living Communities Q&A: What kind of community do you live in, and do you find that it affects your "environmental lifestyle"

Question by joecool123_us: What kind of community do you live in, and do you find that it affects your “environmental lifestyle”
Do you live in the city? Suburbs? rural? other?

Does where you live make it more or less easy to “live green”.

What kind of special accomodations does your residential area require of you that effects your choices regarding energy and environmental efficiency?
As always, Byderule is supremely hardcore.

Best answer:

Answer by Permaculture byderule
Rural Mexican town full of pigs in Paradise .

forever trying to educate people but it is very dangerous

The last president (mayor)was tortured and shot in front of his mother who was then riddled with bullets .

some of the council members had their front doors machine gunned

and the present president is suspended hiding at home ,and the government buildings have been closed for 3 months now .

So one has to be careful about insulting or reprimanding people here ,
Luckily most of the Bandits (farmers )are friends of mine ,as I have been here for 7 years ,and i have instructed many about organic earth friendly farming,and have preached about the evils of pesticides and fertilizers ,

They don`t get mad at me ,but want to pour me full of beer and unspeakable samples of their labors,

But the situation has brought me close to the bad effects of a don`t give a damn public
the sides of the river has many dead animals ,and hordes of fat vultures.

For a year I was in the department of Ecology
all the way up hill as far as cleaning up the town was concerned .

But got out just before the government folded ,
it is unwise to be by the side of unsuccessful politicians here .

where i live the sewage is incorporated into the garden (green)
we pump water ,and compost the organic rubbish(green)

live day to day with the food ,not use much packaging ,using plastic bottles and bags ,many times over (green)

advice all my friends to try and drive with out air conditioners
the guys on the donkeys come green (envy mostly)

walk to the shops .
its a small town

and give many courses on organic and sustainable farming (peddling green ideas)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:affects, Communities, community, environmental, find, Green, kind, lifestyle., Live, Living

Green Living Rooms How would this color look painted in our living room?

Question by missC: How would this color look painted in our living room?
We have a creamy colored couch, loveseat and lazyboy, a dark green chair, brick red curtains and early american stained colored entertainment center, coffee table and 2 side tables. I’m thinking of painting the living room a mocha color maybe? How do you think it would look?

Best answer:

Answer by bellemusiquegurlie
I think you should use a lighter brown. Maybe along the lines of almond color if you like the brown. It would go well with your furniture and curtains. Unless it’s a really light mocha, it might be a little too dark a color for a living room. I think i needs to be a little cheery.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:color, Green, Living, look, painted, Room, Rooms, this, would

Environmentally Friendly ProductsD'Addario EXL170SL Bass Guitar Strings, Super Long Scale, Light

D’Addario EXL170SL Bass Guitar Strings, Super Long Scale, Light

  • Super long scale version of D’Addario’s best selling bass guitar set
  • Round wound with nickelplated steel for a distinctive bright tone with clear fundamentals
  • Fits super long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 38 inches
  • String Gauges: Wound .045, .065, .080, .100
  • Packaging may vary from product image shown but rest assured the strings are of the same great D’Addario quality

D’Addario XL Nickel Electric Bass strings are world-renowned as “The Player’s Choice” amongst bass players of all genres and styles. All XL strings are precision wound on our exclusive computer-controlled machines, ensuring each string has excellent

List Price: $ 36.99

Price: $ 14.67

Tags:Bass, Environmentally, EXL170SL, friendly, guitar, light, long, ProductsD'Addario, Scale, Strings, Super

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Going Green Tips Anyone know how to keep a cheap ring from turning my finger green?

Question by Junglist: Anyone know how to keep a cheap ring from turning my finger green?
I have a beautiful fake ring that I can’t wear because it turns my finger this awful shade of green…. Any tips or suggestions on how I can keep it from rubbing off on my skin?

Best answer:

Answer by *~ShawtyIsDaShid~*
by not buying a cheap ring in the first place

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Anyone, cheap, Finger, from, Going, Green, keep, know, Ring, Tips, Turning

Green Living Communities Where in the world is there a 1950s lifestyle AND green community feel?

Question by 0: Where in the world is there a 1950s lifestyle AND green community feel?
I really like to live somewhere with a small community feel, less reliance on cars, rather trains and buses, somewhere that feels homely and safe. A nice place for children to grow up..

Does it exist?

Best answer:

Answer by Rum Cove

Bring your cousins.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:1950s, Communities, community, Feel, Green, lifestyle., Living, there, World

Green Living Room Walls35"x31" Pandas eat bamboo & playing Wall Stickers Vinyl Wall Decals Removable Mural

35″x31″ Pandas eat bamboo & playing Wall Stickers Vinyl Wall Decals Removable Mural

  • Sticker Size :60*90cm = 23.6″x35.4″
  • Overall Assembled Size App.:63″x87″( Size is not constant. DIY recommended, creat yr unique style)
  • Material: High Quality REMOVABLE Waterproof Sticky Vinyl
  • Simple Usage: Just Peel It & Stick It and Enjoy It, no Tools
  • DIY wonderful decoration for your house, room, office, nursery, shop, restaurant, bar…

Our stickers are made of waterproof vinyl material, also called PVC. It is removable without damage the wall. Amazing unique DIY Art of yr house, kids room, office, nursery, shop, restaurant, bar… Usage: Step 1. Choose where u desired placement. S

List Price: $ 10.58

Price: $ 10.58

Tags:Bamboo, Decals, Green, Living, mural, Pandas, Playing, Removable, Room, stickers, Vinyl, wall, Walls35x31

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