Question by Jagruti: My tortoise’s eyes are closed for last two days and is not eating at all?
My tortoise is 18 months old, green in color and almost round in shape. Suddently it stopped eating and his eye’s are close for two days now. But it moves around, and feels the sensation.
Best answer:
Answer by noname .
If any of your Animals are sick. I would have consult a veterinarian. Set up an appointment with a good one. Reptile speciality vets do cost a bit more, but on the same end. Your animal will get the attention and help it needs. That Tortoise will live 50+ years. so take care of it now.
Considering you have made an appointment with a reptile speciality vet and have a couple of days before the appointment. here is what you can do to help.
IF He has an eye infection of some sort. (most tortoise are prone to it. Lack of protein, vitamin A. and so fourth. Sometimes it just happens because the tortoise could have been wild caught or farmed raised.) most reptile stores sell zoomed turtle eye drops. Try soaking him in warm shallow clean water everyday for a 5-10 min. That helps break up the mucus in his eye (if he indeed has one. does not hurt to soak him anyways though). Then after the bath, drop the zoomed turtle drops in his eye, even if his eyes are closed still, allow the stuff to sit on his eye. If it is indeed an infection or bacteria building up, the doctor will recommend terramycin.
So good luck! and do not stop offering food!
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Tags:Closed, Consulting, days, eating, eyes, Green, Last, Living, tortoise's
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