Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Green Technology Do cons understand that energy conservation makes America more competitive?

Question by Truth: Do cons understand that energy conservation makes America more competitive?
Why are cons against green technology?

Is it just mindless parrots repeating the dribble they hear from Chevron sponsored mouth pieces like Rush Limbaugh, or do they have a point?

Best answer:

Answer by regerugged
You can conserve 100% of energy by not using any energy. Now who will you compete with and how?
Free markets provide incentives for energy conservation. There is a new housing development in my township. The homes use 72% less energy than conventional homes being built today. It is all done with private money. When solar panels are added to homes of this type of construction, the homes actually produce more energy than they use. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:America, Competitive, Con's, conservation, energy, Green, makes, more, Technology, understand


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