Thursday, October 31, 2013

Green Living Ideas What r some good hearty saltwater fish, that are a community fish?

Question by Sheri B: What r some good hearty saltwater fish, that are a community fish?
We have a 125gal saltwater tank and we have 2 clowns, little puffer, little lionfish, bleeny, we have found that tangs are so fragile, slight change in the water they just die, while these other fish live, any ideas

Best answer:

Answer by Quiet Tempest
I would say a shoal of chromis or damsels would look nice in there, but I would be hesitant with keeping a lionfish (even a dwarf) in a community tank because they will prey on anything they think can fit in their mouth.

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Tags:community, Fish, Good, Green, hearty, ideas, Living, Saltwater, some


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