Question by joecool123_us: What kind of community do you live in, and do you find that it affects your “environmental lifestyle”
Do you live in the city? Suburbs? rural? other?
Does where you live make it more or less easy to “live green”.
What kind of special accomodations does your residential area require of you that effects your choices regarding energy and environmental efficiency?
As always, Byderule is supremely hardcore.
Best answer:
Answer by Permaculture byderule
Rural Mexican town full of pigs in Paradise .
forever trying to educate people but it is very dangerous
The last president (mayor)was tortured and shot in front of his mother who was then riddled with bullets .
some of the council members had their front doors machine gunned
and the present president is suspended hiding at home ,and the government buildings have been closed for 3 months now .
So one has to be careful about insulting or reprimanding people here ,
Luckily most of the Bandits (farmers )are friends of mine ,as I have been here for 7 years ,and i have instructed many about organic earth friendly farming,and have preached about the evils of pesticides and fertilizers ,
They don`t get mad at me ,but want to pour me full of beer and unspeakable samples of their labors,
But the situation has brought me close to the bad effects of a don`t give a damn public
the sides of the river has many dead animals ,and hordes of fat vultures.
For a year I was in the department of Ecology
all the way up hill as far as cleaning up the town was concerned .
But got out just before the government folded ,
it is unwise to be by the side of unsuccessful politicians here .
where i live the sewage is incorporated into the garden (green)
we pump water ,and compost the organic rubbish(green)
live day to day with the food ,not use much packaging ,using plastic bottles and bags ,many times over (green)
advice all my friends to try and drive with out air conditioners
the guys on the donkeys come green (envy mostly)
walk to the shops .
its a small town
and give many courses on organic and sustainable farming (peddling green ideas)
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tags:affects, Communities, community, environmental, find, Green, kind, lifestyle., Live, Living
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