Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Green Living Nyc Which state has a good cost of living for teachers?

Question by Him: Which state has a good cost of living for teachers?
I am currently in college taking courses to become a teacher and I am wondering from seasoned teachers which state has a good cost of living for teachers. I am from NYC and I know that I’m currently at the worst side of the spectrum, so what’s it like on the other end? Insurance rates for vehicles are threw the roof here, and the price of rent isn’t any better. Does the saying the grass is always greener on the other side apply here? My room mate is really trying to convince me to move to Las Vegas, Nevada with him and some input would be heavily appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by HuntsmanII
Victoria, Australia.
(The land down under)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:cost, Good, Green, Living, state, Teachers


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