Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Green Living Blogs Q&A: How do I discourage pesky rodents and deer from my flowers?

Question by autisticA: How do I discourage pesky rodents and deer from my flowers?
I just discovered that my waxwing Begonia blossoms have been eaten. I’ve spent over $ 100 replacing Impatiens and other annuals. I use “Liquid Fence” which is a spray containing coyote urine, but even that doesn’t help. I live in the Midwest. Any suggestions?
Hondu, who the hell are you really, John McCain? When I asked this question, I didn’t see any previously asked questions on this topic. Go spoil someone else’s day a**hole.

Best answer:

Answer by Number6
I feel your pain. I too have a herd of deer in my backyard. Deer eat everything in their paths. The only thing to do is put up temporary fencing. Deer are creatures of habit. They take the same route as long as they can. If you can discourage them from eating your begonia by fencing it in, they might take a different route. Good luck.
P.S. Getting a dog helped a little.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Blogs, deer, discourage, Flowers, from, Green, Living, Pesky, Rodents


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