Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sustainable Living What can one do in day to day life for a sustainable living?

Question by sicba2222: What can one do in day to day life for a sustainable living?
What lifestyle changes one can bring to lead a Sustainable, environment friendly life

Best answer:

Answer by Jasper
Use perennial Vegetables. instead of annuals.
Plant edibles including trees, vines, bushes, and ground-covers, to reduce your carbon footprint and have a “farmer’s market at home”.
Avoid using dust blowers and other dust-producing equipment.
Use compost barrels. Create your own soil. You may use dog leavings from the yard. When they decompose your enriched soil may return nutrients to the land
Use recycled wood chips to keep the weeds down, retain moisture, and prevent erosion
Use natural predators rather than pesticides which harm the environment.
Water grass early in the morning. See more on Water Conservation in Gardens
Borrow seldomly used items such as ladders, chain saws, and people.
Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away
Install water barrels to collect rain water from troughs. Place a small bucket in your sink to collect water when washing produce. Use this water in the garden.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Life|, Living, Sustainable


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