Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green Living Products Living green on a budget?

green living products
by dave~

Question by shazbarcrumpet: Living green on a budget?
I’m a mother of 4 boys and want to make sure they have a healthy home. How can I live green when green products cost sometimes double the price of others? Isn’t there an easier way?
You’ve all got some great suggestions. ECOS has some great products:

I already freecyle. I stopped buying Bleach and use the 12lb bag from Sams..(I’m already a fan of BULK)..I pass down all my kids clothes.

ORGANICS are still insane in price. I will get reusable cloth grocery bags, water filters so no waste and I try not to buy things with too much packaging…

I live in Florida so turning the a/c to 80 would be bad since it’s so humid and that would bring the possibility for mold.

I’m trying….Wish me luck!


Best answer:

Answer by beachloveric
Yes they cost a fortune. You could make your own by using baking soda, vinigar, lemon, toothpaste is good for cleaning the sink or pots and pans, use mexican block soap to help wash your clothes and they also make a bioderadeable washig powder called Foca, tea tree oil disinfects.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:budget, Green, Living, Products


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