Thursday, February 28, 2013

Green Companies What are the best short and long term investments for alternative energies?

by Bertron8 Question by paleofilms: What are the best short and long term investments for alternative energies? So far I’ve researched Fuel Cell Energies, which partly runs on natural gas. I’ve also researched Solar Powered Energies which as we know relies on the Sun…What are some good long term stocks or funds within alt. energies? Do you think alt. energies are a promising investment? I’d feel great knowing I’m helping invest into a Go Green company while making some $ . Best answer: Answer...

Green Products How are you begining to go green?

Question by heyletspartay: How are you begining to go green? So far i just recylcle and i buy some green products. How are you going green? Best answer: Answer by bogeysmumWe recycle and make good use of our local freecycle group. I’ve just started making briquettes out of old newspaper for the wood burning stove we haven’t bought yet. And we’ve had all new windows/doors to help keep the house warmer. Carpets next….. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:begining, Green, Products ...

Green Living Tips How do I go about a "green living"?

by cementley Question by How do I go about a “green living”? I admit I havent been into the “green” lifestyle. I would like to try and be a more environmentally friendly person. How would I go about starting? Any tips or advice? Best answer: Answer by Turbulent EvilOk ok, you can go ahead and eat veggie burgers and tofu, but please don’t drive a Prius! Seriously they look like big Japanese cartoon characters on wheels Give your answer to this question below! ...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Eco Friendly Homes What are the most eco-friendly methods of heating water in a house?

Question by MG: What are the most eco-friendly methods of heating water in a house? Our water heater is looking very sad and yesterday our neighbors burst. I took it as a sign. My husband wants to get a tankless water heating system. I’m wondering which methods are most eco-friendly, energy saving, etc. I don’t think we can afford solar panels. I should have mentioned that I live in South Florida so if I can harness the sun’s energy in a way I can afford (upfront) then I’m in the perfect location to do it. Best answer: Answer by trollazoidThe...

Alternative EnergyAlternative Energy Systems and Applications

Alternative Energy Systems and Applications The solution to our current energy dilemma will contain features of both alternate energy sources and alternate use of existing energy sources. In order to help engineers find this solution, Alternative Energy Systems covers a wide range of concepts. List Price: $ 45.39 Price: $ 45.39 Tags:Alternative, Applications, energy, EnergyAlternative, systems. ...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Green Living Blogs I can't run where I live? And will I get used to the taste of green tea?

Question by Harlow: I can’t run where I live? And will I get used to the taste of green tea? Hello there, friends:)! I’m a teen recovering from bulimia-anorexia. And I’m on the road to healthy! I’m so excited! BUT where I live it’s impossible to go running without having to worry about people wanting to rape me or abduct me.. Should I convince my mom to let me run in another neiborhood? How do I? And I’ve read a lot about green tea, I’ve tried it once and it was… Interesting… Will I get used to the taste if I suck it up? And do you think making...

Green Building MaterialsGreen Toys Sand Play Set, Green

Green Toys Sand Play Set, Green For 18 months and above Includes bucket, shovel, rake and sand mold Made from curbside collected milk containers Safe and no phthalates or BPA Recycled plastic saves energy and reduces greenhouse gasses Green Toys Sand Play Set, Green List Price: $ 11.00 Price: $ 12.00 Tags:Building, Green, MaterialsGreen, play, Sand, toys ...

Green Living HomesChezmoi Collection Black and White Micro Fur Zebra with Giraffe Design Window Curtain/Drape Set, with Sheer Backing

Chezmoi Collection Black and White Micro Fur Zebra with Giraffe Design Window Curtain/Drape Set, with Sheer Backing Each curtain set include 2 panel and 2 tie back. Each panel size: 60-inch x 84-inch in inch. 18-inch valance drop. Sheer backing and valance are attach to the curtain. Easy Care- Machine Washable Fabric content 100 % polyester Window treatments add refinement and style to otherwise dull, boring windows. Shutters and awnings decorate the outside of your house, while blinds,...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Green Living Room What is a good wall paint color for a bright living room?

Question by h.f.: What is a good wall paint color for a bright living room? The living room is high ceiling and faces the south and a beautiful green sunny garden. I want to pick a light color so that the space look warm, lively and the color does not make the room look smaller at all. The flooring is light oak color. Please share your idea and experience. Best answer: Answer by yowzaplay around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find colors that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Eco Friendly Homes Q&A: What are some good eco-friendly or "green" companies to invest in, and why?

Question by some.guy50: What are some good eco-friendly or “green” companies to invest in, and why? I was wondering what some good “green” (eco-friendly) stocks, or anything like that, to invest in. Also, why? Thank you in advanced. Best answer: Answer by DonI will leave you a source that may help you. I believe alternative energy, solar especially, has the potential to be one of the biggest wealth builders the market has ever known. Best of Luck Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Companies, Ecofriendly, friendly, Good, Green,...

Going GreenThe Magic School Bus: Going Green

The Magic School Bus: Going Green Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus makes science an exhilarating experience Young Scientists recreate the water cycle, build compost tube, shrink plastic, magically make packing peanuts disappear, decompose food with fungus, form pulp, create new paper, design recycled paper shapes, learn about the R?s, and much, much more Mulitple award-winning science kits that make science fun, educational, and hands-on All kits are put on the market after it has...

Going Green Ideas What are some green shots I can serve at my bar tonight?

Question by Sharon H: What are some green shots I can serve at my bar tonight? Looking to make some shots that taste good and are green. Any ideas? Best answer: Answer by SonOfTheSouthjust put some green food coloring in the bottles before you pour the shots Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Going, Green, ideas, serve, shots, some, tonight ...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Green Living DallasNFL Indianapolis Colts Metal Helmet Trailer Hitch Cover

NFL Indianapolis Colts Metal Helmet Trailer Hitch Cover The trailer hitch cover is constructed of high quality metal and fits any 2″ receiver. The perfect accessory for virtually any vehicle with a towing package. List Price: $ 25.00 Price: $ 25.00 Tags:Colts, Cover, DallasNFL, Green, Helmet, Hitch, Indianapolis, Living, metal, Trailer ...

Green Smart Living Q&A: How much does it cost to build your own home?

by barnoid Question by lori ♥: How much does it cost to build your own home? Say you already own your own land – Is a $ 150,000 – $ 200,000. budget realistic? We plan on using as many odds/ends, recycled materials and hopefully go green as possible. ( we plan on hiring someone to build) Best answer: Answer by Ewokdepends on who you hire, but a good house will cost you at least 75K, good enough for me, since I don’t have kids and I only need a rambler Know better? Leave your own answer...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Green Living Blogs Q&A: Does the Pinnacle Dazzle let me view live feed video in full screen on my computer?

Question by spitfire1900: Does the Pinnacle Dazzle let me view live feed video in full screen on my computer? I am currently looking towards video editing solutions, but I am also looking for ways to turn m PC into a television for external media devices. So can the Pinnacle Dazzle provide live feed content to my PC from things like the Xbox 360 in full screen mode without having to be recording at the same time? Best answer: Answer by Ron BNope, I am currently trying to that same exact thing. I just happen to have a dazzle I use for live broadcasting...

Green Living Tips What helpful tips can anyone give me about playing pond hockey in Wisconsin during the winter?

Question by travis_vnoty: What helpful tips can anyone give me about playing pond hockey in Wisconsin during the winter? I have lived in California my whole life and played hockey since I was seven. One of my dreams is to play pond hockey somewhere and I figure my best shot is going next winter after I graduate college. Is the ice really that much more choppy? I’ve played on some pretty horrible ice out here. What clothing is most comfortable out there? Best answer: Answer by SmarksCome to Green Bay and play on the rinks at the parks. They are...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Green Living Guide How do I file for my green card without professional help!?

Question by hecteck: How do I file for my green card without professional help!? am trying to cut cost so I want help with filling for my green card. I live in the US and am married to a US citizen and I have 2 kids in my country whom I want to file for also.Can anyone guide me through the process?which forms do I need?what about part 2 on I-485?what do I put there?which other forms do i need? Best answer: Answer by UncleFollow the flowcharts here What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Card,...

Lime Green Living Room What colors should I use to decorate my living room?

Question by HC: What colors should I use to decorate my living room? My furniture is espresso color with a little bit of ivory and it looks very modern but I would like to find some colors that would make my living room look fresh and stylish. Any suggestions?! Best answer: Answer by Shih TzuThe hot color this year is lime green, which goes well with brown. I personally like blue better with brown. Use either with some pops of yellow for a fresh look. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:colors, Decorate, Green, Lime, Living,...

Green Building Materials What does the public think about the Government offering incentives to businesses "going green"?

by Inhabitat Question by : What does the public think about the Government offering incentives to businesses “going green”? There is a great deal of emphasis in our economy to build and operate businesses in an environmentally efficient manner. Should state or federal government offer special incentives to companies that choose to build with green materials, harness green power,and employ other green tactics in their operation? Best answer: Answer by cunningncharismaGiven the current economy,...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Green Living What good is having a green channel on your tv when its going to produce a carbon footprint itself?

by Marc Perkins – OCC Biology Department Question by polyamorousbbw: What good is having a green channel on your tv when its going to produce a carbon footprint itself? Most tvs now carry Planet Green in there cable package, This channel promotes green living. But what about all the green house gases it takes to make its programs….can we say more carbon footprints. Kinda dumb. Just another reason I dont believe in Globel warming. Best answer: Answer by katzyHow true! lol What do you think?...

Green Living Room Decorating IdeasStreet & Traffic Sign Wall Decals - Single Destination Sign - 12 inch Removable Graphic

Street & Traffic Sign Wall Decals – Single Destination Sign – 12 inch Removable Graphic Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls Re-Usable up to 100 times Lightweight and easy take with you when you move Affordable prices available in all sizes Durable Photo-Tex Material beats vinyl any day These Single Destination Sign Removable Wall Decals are not your standard vinyl wall stickers. Wallmonkeys uses premium Photo-Tex to produce decorative wall decals for the home, office...

Green Smart LivingCut Your Energy Bills Now: 150 Smart Ways to Save Money & Make Your Home More Comfortable & Green

Cut Your Energy Bills Now: 150 Smart Ways to Save Money & Make Your Home More Comfortable & Green We have all heard the news: oil prices have exceeded 0 a barrel and natural gas rates have exploded by 74% over the past four years. And these costs will continue to rise. So how can the average homeowner lower their energy bill and still maintain List Price: $ 12.95 Price: $ 4.65 Tags:Bills, comfortable, energy, Green, home, LivingCut, money, more, save, Smart, ways ...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Green Modular Homes How is the European Style Socialism working in Spain?

Question by Bad Things Happen: How is the European Style Socialism working in Spain? I heard they now have unemployment over 26%. Is this what is waiting for us here in the US?–finance.html Best answer: Answer by RanXeroXI don’t know, but Germany and France are doing alright. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:European, Green, Homes, Modular, Socialism, Spain, style, working ...

What Is Green Living Q&A: Can some one explain to the minions the difference between active and passive solar energy?

by \!/_PeacePlusOne Question by Rio: Can some one explain to the minions the difference between active and passive solar energy? I’ve been to green living enviromental etc…theres some really strange people thinking that all solar energy is bad.Help the ignorant please. anything you want it to be from your spelling. Best answer: Answer by Mike NMinnions? what’s that?> Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Active, between, difference, energy, Explain, Green, Living, minions,...

Live Green Should I remove the dead leaves from my Sarracenia plant?

Question by opticalnoise: Should I remove the dead leaves from my Sarracenia plant? My tropical Sarracenia pitcher plant has about 8 live, green pitcher leaves, and 2 or 3 brown wilted ones. Should I *carefully* remove the dead leaves, or should I leave them alone? If I should remove them, should I trim them off leaving the stem at the base, or should I try to remove them as completely as possible? I haven’t found the answer on a number of reputable carnivorous plant website, so please don’t just tell me to google it. Best answer: Answer by...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pure Green Living Where can I get all the species of Jungle Fowl?

Question by Private Private: Where can I get all the species of Jungle Fowl? I want all the species of Jungle Fowl for exhibition and ornamental reasons. I also want to keep them and breed them to a pure strain with no hybrids. Without going to the otherside of the world. Best answer: Answer by Carl HIndia,Sri Lanka and south east Asia Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Fowl, Green, Jungle, Living, Pure, Species ...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Green Living Roof How do I start adding a floor to my house?

by vancouverconvention Question by sabra b: How do I start adding a floor to my house? I live in Brooklyn and plan to convert a one-family house to a two-family. Best answer: Answer by Hoymanhave you got two families? Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:adding, floor, Green, house, Living, roof, start ...

Green Energy Live Q&A: What are your thoughts of my statement?

by carabou Question by Warren T: What are your thoughts of my statement? Liberals I know how much you love green energy but unfortunately that green energy is not going to be viable alternative for decades and so whether you like it or not, you are stuck with coal, oil & natural gas. The only viable alternative at this point is nuclear energy and with the risks that come with it I am not sure it is really a viable alternative. Best answer: Answer by KnoFearAnd your proof for that is what?...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Green Living HomesSet of 2 Parson Dining Chairs Light Green Microfiber

Set of 2 Parson Dining Chairs Light Green Microfiber dining chairs dining chair set set of chairs parson chair set parson chairs Dimension: 23 1/2″L x 19″W x 38″H Finish: Light Green Material: Microfiber, Hardwood Set of 2 Parson Dining Chairs Light Green Microfiber Item is crafted from hardwood and covered with light green microfiber. The seat cushion is well padded that is List Price: $ 314.62 Price: $ 101.48 Eclipse Twill 52-Inch by 84-Inch Thermaweave Blackout Panel, Lime...

Green Living ConsultantJURASSIC PARK-laserdisc box set-not a vhs or dvd-need a laserdisc player

JURASSIC PARK-laserdisc box set-not a vhs or dvd-need a laserdisc player dolby digital stereo surround – THX 3 discs -orginal price .00 127 min rated PG13 color Steven Spielberg directed this blockbuster thriller based on the popular book by Michael Crichton. Millionaire John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) asks two dinosaur experts (Laura Dern and Sam Neill) to act as consultants on his entrepreneurial endea Price: Tags:ConsultantJURASSIC, dvdneed, Green, laserdisc, Living,...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Green And Brown Living Room IdeasMiami - White Fabric Sectional sofa set

Miami – White Fabric Sectional sofa set Color: White Texture: Fabric Seat Height: 28.5, 22.5 Arm Height: 22.5 Frame is hard wood and laminated veneer, with corner blocks, staples applied to the frame Splendid white exterior cover enhances most contemporary decors and surroundings. Top quality fabric covering is durable enough to withstand the constant wear and tear. This sofa is equipped with unique features like adjustable headrests suited for s Price: Tags:Brown, Fabric, Green,...

Energy Efficient Homes How can I make a home more energy efficient?

by RON SOMBILON MEDIA, ART and PHOTOGRAPHY Question by : How can I make a home more energy efficient? We are about to buy a large two story home built in 1900. The furnace is brand new so it is already energy efficient. All new windows as well. What other things can I do save some money? Best answer: Answer by TresaFront loading washing machine. European dishwasher. Flow restrictors on your shower heads. If you have 1 or 2 showers in the house, a gas fired tankless water heater or if you...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Green Living Articles My plugged in microphone shows up in Win7 mixer but there is no green bar near it?

Question by Konrad: My plugged in microphone shows up in Win7 mixer but there is no green bar near it? I’ve been trying to record sound from speakers+microphone with cam-studio. For this I need to have my stereo mix set as default device in my mixer. Now It gets tricky. Mixer sees my plugged in microphone, but there is no green bar next to it, it seems the plugged in microphone does not receive sound. When I enable built in speaker from my laptop it shows up and captures sound great so it must be something with external mic settings. Best answer:...

Going Green Tips Q&A: What are some interesting french manicure combos?

Question by Twilightismylife342: What are some interesting french manicure combos? other than the regular white on beige. so far ive come up with: bold look: black with white tips, or red tips fun look: magenta with neon green tips (watermelon!) cute look: light blue with like pink tips Any more? Best answer: Answer by Jessi always get green somewhere in mine. usually it is the actual nail part, then a lot of times i get a different color on every tip if i just do black for the nail part....

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Green Living Ideas25 Green Ideas for Under $25: 25 Great Green Living Tips

25 Green Ideas for Under : 25 Great Green Living Tips Protecting our environment is all about trying to work towards a greener earth. We want to work with nature to harness natural energy sources, rather than ravaging the planet to find more energy sources. We should consider ways to conserve energy not Price: Tags:Great, Green, ideas, Ideas25, Living, Tips, under ...

Green Living TechnologiesPopular Science Staff Photographer John B. Carnett Is Using the Latest Green Technology to Build His Dream Home - 72"W x 36"H - Peel and Stick Wall Decal by Wallmonkeys

Popular Science Staff Photographer John B. Carnett Is Using the Latest Green Technology to Build His Dream Home – 72″W x 36″H – Peel and Stick Wall Decal by Wallmonkeys ALL orders CUSTOM printed. When you place an order, the image is made in the USA, just for you! Printed on WHITE, premium, self-adhesive, re-positionable fabric paper. No nails, frames or glue. No professional installation required. Simply peel and stick! Easy to remove and re-apply. BE SURE you ordered the right size for...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Green Living Nyc What do people in france want thats in america?

Question by Stephanie B: What do people in france want thats in america? I live in NYc. What do people in france want thats in america that they cant buy over there. like our foods and other stuff. I want to send my friend in france a care package and I dont know what to get her. Best answer: Answer by oldfootloseGift certifacates or cash bank cards with at least 3 digits. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:America, France, Green, Living, people, thats, want ...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Environmentally Friendly Products Is felt an environmentally friendly fabric?

Question by Fi: Is felt an environmentally friendly fabric? i really need to know if felt is environmentally friendly for my textiles coursework and i cant seem to find the answer anywhere. Please can u help me and also give reason so if it is please tell me how it is. thank u so much x apparently it is 100% acrylic does that help? Best answer: Answer by FFFelt is either cotton or wool. Sometimes it is made from manmade fibers. It would depend on the type of felt you use. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Environmentally, Fabric,...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Green Living Facts Q&A: how do you break a green broke horse that bucks when you get on it?

Question by Joni: how do you break a green broke horse that bucks when you get on it? I have a 5 yr old green broke Quarter horse paint who has been ridden for the past year, but not every single day. When you get on his back and try to get him to walk forward or lope, he goes in to a buck any time you ride. I have had the vet tell me he is healthy and has no problems. What should I do? Best answer: Answer by MoMoLuvsMikedoes he lounge well? hows his ground manners? so here is what i personally do and recommend. to solve a bucking horse: take...

Sustainable DesignDesign Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable

Design Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable Product design can have a tremendous impact on the world in terms of usability, waste, and resources. In Design Is the Problem, Nathan Shedroff examines how the endemic culture of design often creates unsustainable solutions, and shows how to ensure List Price: $ 39.00 Price: $ 39.00 Tags:Design, DesignDesign, Future, must, problem, Sustainable ...

Green Living Consulting Can I request residency through my bf or husband that has a green card?

by Fortune Live Media Question by sandy: Can I request residency through my bf or husband that has a green card? My bf is from Iraq. He enlisted in the US Army about three years ago. Recently he came to live to California and already has a green card with the help of the Army. Is there any way that he may help me get a green card or residency through him. What we are not sure of is if he needs to be a citizen in order to help me in getting the residency? Best answer: Answer by tonalc2Only a...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Going Green TipsGreen Series: Environmentalists in Action: Profiles of Green Pioneers: Tips on Going Green from the Top Authorities in Green Living

Green Series: Environmentalists in Action: Profiles of Green Pioneers: Tips on Going Green from the Top Authorities in Green Living Environmental awareness is rising. Green is in. The ten interviewees in this book offer insight and inspiration for those looking to make planet-friendly changes. Their message is clear: Start with baby steps, one change at a time. Eliminate plas List Price: $ 14.95 Price: $ 14.95 Tags:Action, authorities, environmentalists, from, Going, Green, Living,...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sustainable Home DesignDwell

Dwell Dwell is the first and only magazine to explore both the interiors and the exteriors of modern home design in a stylish, yet accessible way. With focus on a new modernistic approach to home design that offers identity, creativity and harmony.While ma List Price: $ 39.60 Price: $ 19.95 Tags:DesignDwell, home, Sustainable ...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Green Living Books What is the title of a children's book about a scarlet or red door?

by markhillary Question by Aly R.: What is the title of a children’s book about a scarlet or red door? I know I read a book in elementary school that had something to do about a house with a scarlet or red door that was out of the ordinary. If anyone could help me with the title of this book it would be much appreciated! Thanks! Best answer: Answer by Norm DThere is a book called “The Gammage Cup” by Carol Kendall which tells the story of a group of minipins who live in a very conformist...

Green Living TipsPrismacolor Marker Pm26 Light Olive Green

Prismacolor Marker Pm26 Light Olive Green Double-ended markers with both broad and fine nibs. Both tips draw from the same ink reservoir for perfect matching. The alcohol-based ink produces vivid colors yet has a minimal odor. Consult item N20300 for a complete color chart. List Price: $ 4.19 Price: $ 2.99 Tags:Green, light, Living, Marker, olive, Pm26, TipsPrismacolor ...

Green Living DallasSafco Hygiene Station - Counter (4260SL)

Safco Hygiene Station – Counter (4260SL) Station holds one pump bottle of hand sanitizer Holds one standard box of facial tissue Acrylic top Aluminum base Make your work environment a healthier place to work. This hygiene station has everything you need to help keep everyone healthy and happy. For healthy convenience, the station holds one pump bottle of hand sanitizer and one standard box of facial ti List Price: $ 49.00 Price: $ 23.76 Tags:4260SL, Counter, DallasSafco, Green,...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Green Living BooksReally Tiny Book Light - Green

Really Tiny Book Light – Green Tiny and discreet Simple clip on design Rotates 90 degrees for illuminating a whole page Great for travel and late-night reading at home 3x AG3 batteries required (included) The Really Tiny Book Light does exactly what it says on the tin by clipping discreetly onto the pages of your book so you can indulge your late-night reading habits without disturbing others or straining your eyes. Press the switch cunningly marked List Price: $ 9.99 Price: $...

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