Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Green Living Az whats the most scenic town to live in AZ most trees grass green stuff if any exsist there :D ?

by MrAnathema Question by Druid: whats the most scenic town to live in AZ most trees grass green stuff if any exsist there ? Best answer: Answer by republican4lifeI personally like Flagstaff, but winters can be a little cold. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:exsist, grass, Green, Live, Living, most, scenic, stuff, there, town, tree's, whats...

Green Home Plans What are some websites with 'green' home plans?

Question by Ride Like The Wind: What are some websites with ‘green’ home plans? Meaning environmentally-friendly home plans. Websites please. (United States only, please.) Best answer: Answer by -I LIVE OFF GRID-Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live completely, 100% "off of the grid and are completely self sufficient" The house is built utilizing natures natural elements, in the shape of an octagon with 8ft wide arch doors on every wall to catch every angle of wind (typical 4 sided homes have half the chance as one...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Green Technology What is some green technology that can be used with natural disasters?

by IAEA Imagebank Question by Valid: What is some green technology that can be used with natural disasters? For Model United Nations, my topic is how to reduce the impact of natural disasters and get aid to the nations quickly, and also how to prevent the risks of natural disasters in the first place. Our directors want us to incorporate green technology into our solution, so what are some things we can incorporate? Thanks. Best answer: Answer by Kittyspme plant What do you think? Answer below!...

Green Living Forums Q&A: Most Popular Environmental Forum Online?

Question by George Chernikov: Most Popular Environmental Forum Online? Hi folks, I am looking for a list of some of the more popular communities online – forums – where people get together to discuss the environment and how they can do their part in helping keep this planet nice ‘n green. I’ve done a few searches on Google, but so far all I’m coming across are half-dead forums with the most recent posts dating from a week or two ago. So, does anyone known of a popular, active, lively online forum dealing with environment and “green living”? Cheers,...

Green Living Forums can y'alll answer this q?

Question by TG79: can y’alll answer this q?;_ylt=AvMYhrFnX1lTzmdpmvYiLR3ty6IX?qid=20070710202644AAYltBf i tried putting it in the green living forum but there has been no answers…seeing that this is the politics forum i will waive the hate/love speech caveat that i had set upon the question especially for you folks… Best answer: Answer by SEBASTIANOn my way. ‘-) Give your answer to this question below! Tags:answer, Forums, Green, Living, this, y'alll...

Green Apartment Living Living in an apartment, how live "green"?

Question by george zip: Living in an apartment, how live “green”? I live in a typical boxy, drafty, energy sucking apartment and i try to live as “green” as i can. any suggestions on how to be more efficient? can i use a solar panel somehow, etc.? thanks. how TO live green, sorry for the typo. Best answer: Answer by Sumedhawell, that depends on the size of ur appartment…..u can plant many varities by greenhouse affect on the upper terrance….u can decorate many plants as per their requirement of sunlight and can choose various plants to keep...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ways To Go Green What is a good/interesting book to read explaining how to go green? (ways to help the enviroment)?

by Barry Gourmet and Raw Question by iluvthecreek: What is a good/interesting book to read explaining how to go green? (ways to help the enviroment)? Best answer: Answer by hypomixThe weather makers by Tim Flannery (about the effects of global warming and how we can avert its affects) Going Native by archer and beale (an Australian focus but how to change current land use to preserve ecological values) Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:book, enviroment, explaining, good/interesting, Green,...

Green Building Products How does the use of green building products effect the appraisal value of a home?

Question by bankermama: How does the use of green building products effect the appraisal value of a home? I recently built a house and was told by an appraiser that the value of the house doesn’t reflect the products used to build. I don’t understand this since I’ve laways heard that Granite countertops increases the value of a home. So which is it? Best answer: Answer by LandlordIt does, if they are certified energy star. You need to do the whole thing energy efficient though, not just some things. Granite counter are an accessory, they do...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Green Building Products where can you buy green building products in the seattle area?

Question by molly234000: where can you buy green building products in the seattle area? anyone know where you can buy green building products, especially interior finish products (tile, flooring, carpet, etc.) in the seattle area? any one stop shops like Home Depot/Lowes that are green? Best answer: Answer by John Chalinder MT USA GMT -7In your area of the country the most ‘green’ lumber is from Weirhauser. They maintain strict conservationist practices and always replant an area they harvest. For the rest, I suggest checking out this site:

Lime Green Living Room I want to paint one wall of my living room lime green?

Question by saidymartin: I want to paint one wall of my living room lime green? Hello there: I just moved to a an apartment and it is completely white, so I’d like to some accent colors. I was thinking about a lime green (maybe a little bit darker) and an orange to the wall of the dining room. My worries are that my sofas are a very light green (almost turning to blue) and my dining furniture is a comtemporary style black and silver. Do you think the colors that i have in mind will match with my furniture????? Pls help me….The christmas party...

Green Living Guide I have become very interested in green living?

Question by candace b: I have become very interested in green living? Does anyone have suggestions or a link that can guide me on what I can do? I already recycle my bottles and cans. I no longer buy styrofoam cups. I’ve heard that it’s better to use cloth towels rather than paper towels. I am looking for simple things that I can do. Best answer: Answer by Ashatry using things which are made from degradable objects(keep in mind that they do not hurt our mother nature)remember not to waste resources.home made food need less resources than the processed...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tips For Green Living Q&A: Green living tips for renters?

by Question by billie b: Green living tips for renters? My 8yr old has gotten caught up in living green which is great but the majority of tips I find for saving elec, water,etc are for homeowners. Are there any websites for those of us who rent and can’t make changes to the home? Best answer: Answer by poeticjustyce23Don’t know of any websites, but you can change your lightbulbs to those fluorescent ones and recycle. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Green, Living, renters, Tips...

Why Go Green If all these famous people are saying to go green why don't they?

Question by Rabbit Girl: If all these famous people are saying to go green why don’t they? Famous people on TV are telling everyone to go green and the ride in a LIMO. They don’t carpool either. Best answer: Answer by TimIt’s part of there evil plan to take over the world, with Al Gore as their leader. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Don't, famous, Green, people, saying, these, they...

Green Smart Living is it smart to get your green card if you are a high net work individual and not planning on living in the U.S?

Question by Penny: is it smart to get your green card if you are a high net work individual and not planning on living in the U.S? is it smart to get your green card if you are a high net work individual and not planning on living in the U.S long term? Best answer: Answer by Yak RiderNo, because legally it’s not allowed to have a Green Card and not live in the USA. Further, if you have a Green Card all your income, from all sources, all over the world is taxable as US income. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Card, Green, high, individual,...

Green Living Room Walls Need help decorating living room w/ green carpet and yellow walls!?

Question by new home owner: Need help decorating living room w/ green carpet and yellow walls!? Our new home living room has yellow walls w/hunter green carpet. It doesn’t look bad, but we have black leather couches we plan on keeping. We won’t be tearing out carpet or painting any time soon. How should we decorate to make sure the colors tie in? Best answer: Answer by krissydark woods for the furniture will tie in an earthy feeling. keep it clean and modern to avoid looking like an old house from the 70s. Know better? Leave your own answer in...

Green Living Technologies If Humans are really serious about using Green Technology shouldn't we live like the Romans did?

by PeterTea Question by : If Humans are really serious about using Green Technology shouldn’t we live like the Romans did? they had very large cities and didn’t use one volt of electricity. Best answer: Answer by Evil MonkeyNotice the word “Technology” in Green Technology. what you are suggesting would mean no internet/games/cellphones/cars. The whole point of Green Technology is to find a cleaner solution to making and producing electricity. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:about,...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Alternative Energy Sources What major should I choose if I want to help construct ways to find alternative energy sources? ?

by RDECOM Question by : What major should I choose if I want to help construct ways to find alternative energy sources? ? I took an AP Environmental Science class and I fell in love with the idea of harnessing alternative sources of energy to help the world. But I have no idea what major I would choose in college. I really want to go to UCSD by the way thanks for the help:) Best answer: Answer by Xlyaengineering and then there are several areas you can specialize in Add your own answer in the...

Alternative Energy Sources What are some new and potentially useful alternative energy sources?

Question by Carbonbased Lifeform: What are some new and potentially useful alternative energy sources? I’m looking for something besides the usual fuel cells, solar collectors, photovoltaic cells, waste-to-energy, hydro-electric, etc. I think I read somewhere about harnessing body heat for energy. Anyone know anything about that or can give me some links on that or on other developing technologies for alternative sources of energy away from gasoline and natural gas? Wind mills is included in the “etc.”. Best answer: Answer by jughead_20052005here...

Why Go Green Why go green? And what does it mean to you?

by Saucy Salad Question by dayday0789: Why go green? And what does it mean to you? I see all the advertisements on every channel I watch,, even didney and nick are going green. I’m not really asking why I’m just wondering what for. I know why it’s important but why now why not before? What are your opinons on going green? Are you going or have you gone yet? Discuss anything that you know about the topic. This question is for those who don’t know and for those who know but just want to know more....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Green Living Project Which DIY Green Living project you've done are you most proud of?

Question by Shuddup Libs!: Which DIY Green Living project you’ve done are you most proud of? Best answer: Answer by papamoeThat would be the one where I flip my kitchen and dinning room.gutted both rooms to the the studs and started over.I did wiring,plumping,sheet rock,flooring,and cabinets and I am Truly proud of it. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:done, Green, Living, most, project, proud, you've...

Green Living Dallas November 29th Green Bay Packers @ Dallas Cowboys?

Question by cyndi lynn: November 29th Green Bay Packers @ Dallas Cowboys? I went to the Dallas Cowboys website to try and get tickets for this specific game in Dallas, but they are only offering season tickets. I don’t want season tickets I just want to go to this ONE game. I grew up near Green Bay and never got to go to a game. I’m living in Dallas now and I would do ANYTHING to get to that game! Does anyone know how I can get tickets to just this specific game? ok for anyone who is not a fan of the packers, please spare me your comments....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Green Living Consultant Dark Living Room, what color paint?

Question by : Dark Living Room, what color paint? My living room is dark! I have 1 big window but a huge tree right in front of it so very little natural light gets in. On top of that I have dark acacia hardwood (dark brown with a bit of red to it) and charcoal furniture. Now I have 6 different paint colors on the walls trying to figure out what on earth will work! I would like something modern, so I tried grey tones…bad choice, VERY depressing!!! Then I went to the usual beige but it is sooo boring, I even took the advice of the color consultant...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Going Green Tips Going green tips i need help?

by motiqua Question by tareq_toon: Going green tips i need help? I need to know how much money is by going green by recycling cans,plastic bottles etc. in one year thank you Best answer: Answer by mikeI don’t think recyclers are hypocrites… You can save money in garbage cost if you have to pay per lb or bag. in fact our boro had recycling then did not and in order to recycle you had to drive 40 miles round trip and then they only took certain plastics, magazines, papers, no metal and it was always...

Green Building Green Building!!!!!!!!?

by Dushan and Miae Question by trippy: Green Building!!!!!!!!? What are the positive aspects of using green building? Provide five advantages. What are the positive results? can someone help me this is my last question to my project and i can’t find it anywhere! i’ll give u all my points please help answer this question Best answer: Answer by moonlightI won’t do your work for you but am happy to point you in the right direction. You really can find this information – try researching the Green...

Going Green Tips Going green tips =} what exactly is it?

Question by beth: Going green tips =} what exactly is it? So I have been reading a lot of people going green . So I thought I would give it a try so if any of ya have any great tips .that ya have done at home or even great web site that can help me understand more on going green . Best answer: Answer by Compu2224Beeing fuel effecianet using less papaer … basicly goiong out of your way to do things that benifte the environment and not you so much ie pick up trash take the train What do you think? Answer below! Tags:exactly, Going, Green, Tips...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Going Green going green?

Question by ilove nick: going green? i have two questions on this. first if you turn off your computer but leave it plugged in will it still be like taking up energy. and second my famil.y is going green, so does anyone know wat the sight is called that has like al gores video and stuff and it has like tips on going green. and if anyone could me links to websites with tips on going green that would be great!!! thank you all god bless and go green!!! Best answer: Answer by jeffdadrunkAll u need 2 know

Green Living Blog Q&A: I checked out the sites you suggested! Do you have any more green sites that are more interesting?

Question by Green Team: I checked out the sites you suggested! Do you have any more green sites that are more interesting? I am looking for more interesting blog type sites that are on eco, green, celebrity living. Any suggestions? Please Best answer: Answer by zoe_jane_lanelaurie david’s blog What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Blog, checked, Green, interesting, Living, more, sites, suggested...

Eco Friendly Products What is the best way to market eco-friendly products to high school and college kids?

Question by YesItsTheGreat1: What is the best way to market eco-friendly products to high school and college kids? I just want some feedback from the general public on the best ways to market eco-friendly products to high school and college kids. What methods do you think is best to get the message across? Best answer: Answer by smile and don’t stopuse the kind of stuff kids like – high tech stuff, popular music, humor maybe? don’t do cheesy acting or anything. also, we tend to stop paying attention as soon as a bunch of facts are thrown at us....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sustainable Home Design Imagine that you are an architect and asked to design a "green" or sustainable home for a client?

by Marcelle Guilbeau Question by kcbrown1979: Imagine that you are an architect and asked to design a “green” or sustainable home for a client? #2-What important factors have to be considered? #3-List at least 3 key components to “sustainability” in your architectural design. In Europe and some US cities, entire buildings are being constructed to operate more efficiently and effectively, lessening the impact on the environment and our natural resources Best answer: Answer by lrad19521: be careful...

Green Walls Living Walls What curtains go with Hunter green walls?

Question by tamjhughes22: What curtains go with Hunter green walls? My boyfriend painted the walls in our living room hunter green, not my color of choice but he likes it so it’s fine with me. but, the curtains that came with the house when we bought it are these grandma old style lace curtains that are completely see through with NO privacy. we want to replace them with fabric curtains/drapes but I’m having trouble deciding what will go with hunter green walls and a chocolate brown couch… any ideas? the trim, base boards, and ceiling is all white....

Green Living Guide "Market research": Interest in extensive guide to "green living" ebook?

by The Sun and Doves Question by Love0646: “Market research”: Interest in extensive guide to “green living” ebook? I’m just trying to find out how much interest there is out there for an ebook with a ton of resources (most online) to help a person be more environmentally friendly, and how much someone might be willing to pay for such an ebook. Thanks for your input! I know what you mean, i don’t like to read at my computer either. my eyes get tired. but I’ve realized a good thing about ebooks....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Green Construction Barack Obama and his green energy and construction jobs, when can we expect to see them?

by Willamor Media Question by caymanp997: Barack Obama and his green energy and construction jobs, when can we expect to see them? I’ve done a lot of research about these jobs, but I want some more info…I’m at the point in my life where I need to decide on a career and skilled labor jobs seem like the way to go for me. CareerCritique has some good reviews which I read: When do you guys think we’ll start to see the Obama Green construction jobs...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Green Walls Living Walls What kind of carpet would match forest green walls?

Question by : What kind of carpet would match forest green walls? I want to paint the walls in my living room forest green and I need help finding a carpet to match. The entertainment stand and coffee table are dark brown wood with glass accents. Also my couch is tan with multicolored pillows–dark blue, dark red, and green. What kind of carpet will go well with this combination? I either want a solid color or an oriental style rug, and my budget is anything up to $ 1,500. Links would be great ...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Green Home Design Can someone tell me the name of one or few green interior design magazines? Thank you.?

by MAZZALIARMADI.IT Question by Bleue: Can someone tell me the name of one or few green interior design magazines? Thank you.? I am also interested in any exceptionally good Green Home/Interior Design books. Best answer: Answer by Amanda Kelle home.. HOME O home martha in the home Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Design, Green, home, interior, magazines, name, someone, tell, Thank, you....

Tips For Green Living Care to share some renewable energy green living tips?

Question by Jenny M: Care to share some renewable energy green living tips? Just looking for some general tips on living greener, things such as solar panels, etc, that won’t cost a lot to implement? Of course, solar panels cost a fortune, but it’s an example. Thanks! Best answer: Answer by envirochick52ive been trying to do the same thing. a few things ive done are: a) shop at thrift stores – they’re “recycled” clothing, and really cheap! b) im sure you’ve heard about flourescent lightbulbs, but those are definetly a good idea, c) carpool! or...

Green Living Articles Where do I find valuable information about green living and a healthy diet?

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Question by : Where do I find valuable information about green living and a healthy diet? There is a lot of talk about green living, organic and raw foods, but most info is so basic that everyone just keeps repeating the stuff already known. Can anyone suggest a place with more advanced and very specific articles stating the facts with references back to the primary sources? Best answer: Answer by CarlosFishing out the info from internet takes special search skills, try...

Green Living Nyc Q&A: Can I apply for green card in NYC?

by eyewash Question by naomi: Can I apply for green card in NYC? I lived in LA before and I got granted for asylum there… Right now I live in NYC already but I still use my california ID so I want to apply for green card in NYC,but is it ok to apply in NYC while my asylum was granted in LA? Best answer: Answer by MGYes… if you are in the United States legally. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:apply, Card, Green, Living...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How To Go Green Q&A: How much must an iPhone 3GS be charged for the first time?

by Daniel Stark Question by : How much must an iPhone 3GS be charged for the first time? I got my iPhone 3GS a few days ago and I asked a lady from the store how much time it must be charged for the first time.She said about five hours,until I see that the battery is full (green).I went home and left it for about 4,5 hours but in the meanwhile I turned it on and fixed some settings,send the first messages and for a few minutes I unplugged it because I wanted to go to my room with it but then I...

Simple Living i like the idea of simple living.i keep a journal of quotes + ways to better my life/less stress/less desire.?

Question by : i like the idea of simple living.i keep a journal of quotes + ways to better my life/less stress/less desire.? Do you do this or know any practises of simple living. i do like to travel alot during the year so i wont give that up as i use my travelling to open my mind and view different things. and of course view the beautiful world. any famous people done this or any books your recommened??? Best answer: Answer by Corianna NolanYou might look into the Amish traditions if you like simple living. I don’t agree with the religion, but...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Green Living Forums Q&A: What is a good forum for learning how to live green?

Question by Captain: What is a good forum for learning how to live green? *cricket* for such a hot topic I assumed more people would be willing to contribute Best answer: Answer by whsgreenmomI have found a couple websites very helpful. I also have a few books that got me going in the right direction. The Green Book Easy Green Living Gorgeously Green In Defense of food It really depends on what kind of changes you want to make, these...

Green Living Project Do you like to paint your living room with green to show your love to PROJECT GREEN LIVING?

by juggernautco Question by SINDURA MUDITA: Do you like to paint your living room with green to show your love to PROJECT GREEN LIVING? Best answer: Answer by IrishlassUh, No, but I just wish I could paint it any color, the landlord says I have to change it back to white when I move. What an ass. No, but I have green plants. Are u sick of Green living? Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Green, like, Living, Love, paint, project, Room, show...

Green Living Nyc Q&A: Does it seem strange NYC is considered by some the best place for Green Living?

Question by Karmageddon: Does it seem strange NYC is considered by some the best place for Green Living?|htmlws-main-n|dl1|link4| Not sure about this one, would you agree? Best answer: Answer by PitybluesboyI am sure things have changed since we saw New York City as a tired and smoggy place around the turn of the century up until the...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Green Living Consultant Living Standard: USA or AUSTRALIA?

by Chris Devers Question by Alam Shaheb: Living Standard: USA or AUSTRALIA? Dear Readers: I am having trouble making a concrete decision whether I should move to Australia or stay in the USA. I have been living in the states for the last 10 years; graduated in Computer Science and working as an IT consultant holding a H1B status. I could apply for my Green Card through my employer immediately; however, there is no significant timeframe when I may receive an answer from INS. Concurrently, I have...

Green Living Newsletter What colors should I choose for my August newsletter?

by joiseyshowaa Question by ☾ The Don ☽: What colors should I choose for my August newsletter? Okay. I have a monthly newsletter that I send out to all my fam and friends because I live in a different state. Ya know to update them on my life and events. Each month I choose two colors for the newsletter that correspond with the holidays in that month. For example: in July i chose red and ble (independence day) and in February I chose red and pink (valentines). But in August there aren’t really any...

Green Apartment Living What do you think about living in a apartment right beside a green nice cemetery ?

by La Citta Vita Question by britney: What do you think about living in a apartment right beside a green nice cemetery ? i might move there first I was like no no cemetery no way, but it is really pretty and the side i am going 2 stay doest`t show the cemetery? also what would you think if your best friend was living in apartment beside cemetery ? Best answer: Answer by Aldoits nice, it will be quiet there. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:about, Apartment, beside, cemetery, Green,...

Environmentally Friendly Products Q&A: Environmentally friendly products?

Question by maneenee: Environmentally friendly products? can anyone list some environmentally friendly products? im looking for like household cleaners and other everyday products…. can anyone name these brands and where to buy them? Best answer: Answer by httnmrttLook at the product labels (the fine print) when you do your grocery shopping. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Environmentally, friendly, Products...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Green Living Technologies Are freegans closest to a true authentic environmentalist or green living?

by PeterTea Question by Cow Cod: Are freegans closest to a true authentic environmentalist or green living? Unlike wealthy high profile advocates for green living or the environment, they actually practice what they preach. They are just shy of rejecting modern medicine, rejecting modern technology, wielding a spear, wearing animal hides, living in a cave or a hut Nat Geo Taboo: Outsiders & Misfits Best answer: Answer by plenum222Reading for about 20 min about “freegans” (Never heard of...

Green Technology Green technology?

by bricoleurbanism Question by dano: Green technology? I was wondering what tech companies are coming out with most of the new green thechnology (environmentally friendly technology). Like the one that make compact florescent lightbulbs and such. Thanks ok i think you guys are missing the point. I am looking for the names of companies. I thought it was quite clear. Best answer: Answer by grizzbr1Too many to count. & CFLs may be energy efficient, but they are NOT environmentally friendly. Give...

Going Green Ideas Going green ideas to recyle and re-use household items and thrift store items?

Question by The_Word_Mistress: Going green ideas to recyle and re-use household items and thrift store items? Best answer: Answer by KPHack up some ugly curtains to make funky throws and cushions. Re-use containers that single serving puddings come in to plant seeds (poke a drainage hole in the bottom). If you keep fish, use water changes to water your houseplants or garden. Similarly, let cooking water cool and use it to water your plant. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Going, Green, household, ideas, items, recyle,...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Green Living Homes Green living in homes?

by Question by Gabrielle!: Green living in homes? what are some of questions that you may have about green living in homes? Im doing a paper and i need some questions to ask here is whats it about: “The topic of this paper is Interior Design and the focus of it is Green living in homes. I am here to prove that going green is beneficial to the environment” i have a few questions like: 1.Why should people go green? 2.How does going green make the environment better? 3.What are some ways...

Eco Friendly Products How do eco-friendly products help the environment?

by cdnbusiness Question by blossoml2003: How do eco-friendly products help the environment? I’m writing a paper on how eco-friendly products such as household cleaners are beneficial for the environment, but I’m running out of good resourses, as well as good explanations to back up my thesis. Can someone help? Thank you Best answer: Answer by the kingThey don’t, it’s all a lie Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Ecofriendly, environment, friendly, Help, Products...

Green Living Furniture Q&A: I have sage green furniture in my living room and I want to paint the walls. What color would look best?

Question by lisa2775r: I have sage green furniture in my living room and I want to paint the walls. What color would look best? Best answer: Answer by XoAngieXobeige,light brown,cream What do you think? Answer below! Tags:best, color, Furniture, Green, Living, look, paint, Room, sage, Walls, want, would...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Environmentally Friendly Products What are some environmentally friendly products that aren't more expensive than regular products?

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Question by Jessi: What are some environmentally friendly products that aren’t more expensive than regular products? I’m all for being environmentally friendly, but I noticed that most of the “Green” products cost a lot for no apparent reason. I’m college student barely getting by >.< so I really can't spend a dime more than I already am. Best answer: Answer by amberfire12If you are talking about cleaning products you can use vinegar, salt, baking soda and lemons in...

Green Living Facts Q&A: What are some living green facts?

Question by c_jamster: What are some living green facts? whats is the light bulb fact, by changing light energy efficent florecent bulbs……? or the aluminum can and recycling fact/statistic. what are some more facts and statistics?? Best answer: Answer by Lulu Sdont leave the tap on when brushing teeth use eco house cleaning supplies hang your clothes outside instead of using the dryer turn the heationg off and bundle up or sleep with a warm water bottle( the one you put on your tummy when it hurts) What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Facts,...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Green Living Communities Do you know enough about green living and conservation to teach a community class on the subject?

Question by Threeicys: Do you know enough about green living and conservation to teach a community class on the subject? Yes or No explanations welcome Best answer: Answer by Earthmanno,I would go to that class Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:about, class, Communities, community, conservation, enough, Green, know, Living, subject, teach...

Eco Friendly Q&A: Eco friendly?

by fredericknoronha Question by xo ŞĥĀŸĹǎ: Eco friendly? I’m doing a project and I need to know what eco friendly houses have. Links and reasons would help too! Person who tells me the most items an eco friendly gets best answer. Thanks! Best answer: Answer by septogenarianProbably the most eco friendly house is the geodesic dome constructed with triangles. It is also impervious to to hurricanes and tornadoes. It can be constructed from a kit and you don’t have to be a genius to do it. It can use...

Green Homes Green homes?

by cobalt123 Question by b-rand.: Green homes? For my senior project, i am researching green homes. the specific question is “what are green homes, and what do they benefit?” does anyone have any information that would help me out? Best answer: Answer by whatiship100Look up the US green building council and LEED. They certify buildings on different levels of their ecological footprint and how sustainable they are. LEED is the national authority on how green a building is Add your own answer in...

Green Living Room Q&A: if my living room is green with high gloss white trim what color should my hall be?

by Question by jerry w: if my living room is green with high gloss white trim what color should my hall be? living room is green you enter the hall on either end of the room I want a color to accent the living room. green is not dark or light just middle of the road green. Thanks for any ideas. Best answer: Answer by Chi CGray maybe? Thats a tough one, you dont want anything too bold to take away from the living room, I would go with a neutral color like gray or off white....

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sustainable Q&A: Is is sustainable to continue to promote a system that makes the rich even richer?

Question by Les S: Is is sustainable to continue to promote a system that makes the rich even richer? Is it sustainable to support a system when the rich continue to gain wealth at over 10% per year, accounting for inflation, and the average worker sees his wealth decrease at around 1% per year accounting for inflation. Can we sustain a system where only the rich prosper? Best answer: Answer by The DocNo, of course not. The years when the USA prospered most were the years when the rich had the smallest part of the total gains. We are now back to...

Green Living Room Will a red kitchen look gawdy next to a seafoam green living room?

by brookewill Question by fallenfire99: Will a red kitchen look gawdy next to a seafoam green living room? I’m deciding on kitchen paint colors and picked out red. I think it would look great with my cabinets and everything, but the kitchen is right next to the living room, which has seafoam green walls. You can see the kitchen from the living room, so I don’t want the colors to clash or look too christmasy. What do you think? What are some other kitchen paint ideas? The cabinets are medium brownish...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Green Living Q&A: Green living?

by Natural Step Online Question by bekapv_219: Green living? What are some websites that I can go to that show how to go to green living. Best answer: Answer by mary magdeline i think they had an article a few weeks ago on yahoo with some more information about this. i think even some clothes stores have “green” clothes. try urban outfitters. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Green, Living...

Go Green Tips Can a .223 SS109 - M855 with Green tips (penetrator) go through a typical bullet proof vest?

Question by Chris R: Can a .223 SS109 – M855 with Green tips (penetrator) go through a typical bullet proof vest? Thanks. Best answer: Answer by Jolly GreenThere are a lot of factors to consider when figuring this out. A couple are: Distance from the vest Strength of the charge (how much powder is in the round) Semi-Auto (or full) or Bolt-Action Build of the Vest Location of stopper plates A .223 bolt action with a 150 grain load fired from a short distance (<20 yards) will probably go through a bullet proof vest without ceramic or steel plates,...

Green Living Dallas Any Dallas-Green Bay fans who are angry they won't be able to see the game b/c of the Nfl Network?

Question by Scooter_loves_his_dad: Any Dallas-Green Bay fans who are angry they won’t be able to see the game b/c of the Nfl Network? This is for Dallas-Green Bay fans who don’t live in the Dallas-Green Bay area. Best answer: Answer by buddy_z34i’m not cause im going to Hooters Give your answer to this question below! Tags:able, angry, Dallas, DallasGreen, fans, game, Green, Living, Network, they, won't...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Green Walls Living Walls I have dark brown furniture in my living room. Would light green walls (think sage) & dark brown carpet go?

by jamelah Question by Alicia: I have dark brown furniture in my living room. Would light green walls (think sage) & dark brown carpet go? I have a chocolate colored leather sofa and a dark cherry dining table. I would like to add some color by painting the white walls in my living room to a light sage green color. My only concern is what color carpet to select. Since I already have a brown furniture, would brown carpet be too dark? I have a toddler, so light colors like cream or beige...

Green Living Forums Why would someone go into a forum marked for environment-green living and then act annoyed and suprised that?

Question by kcguy6935: Why would someone go into a forum marked for environment-green living and then act annoyed and suprised that? people in this forum are discussing ways to aid the environment. I freely admit that as with any good idea you will have some people whoose heart outreaches their mind or their willingness to research what they are trying to talk about. But why would people go into this category and needlessly attempt to discourage someone from attempting to save money and resources and to experience a sense of accomplishment for...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Green Living Room Decorating Ideas I'm decorating my living room in navy, burgandy, green with brown iron accents. I need 1 more color? ideas?.

by Wootang01 Question by Tinker Bell: I’m decorating my living room in navy, burgandy, green with brown iron accents. I need 1 more color? ideas?. Best answer: Answer by PhoenixWhite Give your answer to this question below! Tags:accents., Brown, burgandy, color, Decorating, Green, ideas, iron, Living, more, navy, need, Room...

Green Living Az Q&A: I live in AZ where the heat soaks up water quickly, is there a way for a lawn to stay green w/o alot water?

by MDK Media Question by SPed: I live in AZ where the heat soaks up water quickly, is there a way for a lawn to stay green w/o alot water? Best answer: Answer by garyomegaThe best way is to replace the grass with granite rocks and then paint them green. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:alot, Green, heat, lawn, Live, Living, quickly, soaks, stay, there, water...

Green Energy Live Inc Q&A: Does any one know about this company Green Energy Live,inc?

Question by jhong l: Does any one know about this company Green Energy Live,inc? what is this company about did it go bank rup or what Best answer: Answer by SPLATTSee the site below for info on GEL. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:about, company, energy, Green, know, Live, Liveinc, this...

Renewable Energy Q&A: Renewable energy?

Question by amanda3271989: Renewable energy? What are the best sources for someone to learn more about renewable energy? What renewable energy source do you think is ideal? What articles/books/podcasts/etc do you recommend on the subject? What do you think America’s plan should be in creating a more sustainable world? Best answer: Answer by DanI think we really should think about going back to horse and wagons. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:energy, Renewable...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Green Living Homes what are green living homes made out of?

by thegreenpages Question by Mimi: what are green living homes made out of? What are some of the materials in making a eco friendly home….what are some of the benefits Best answer: Answer by Vitamin VMaterials: Recycled lumber, bamboo for the floors, soybean or denim insulation. The home is also faced a certain way that the sunlight passes through and light bulbs are unnecessary during the day. The benefits are saving up space in a landfill and using less electricity. What do you think? Answer...

Green Walls Living Walls What color should we paint den; it faces north; entry has green slate floor & blue walls; living mauve walls?

by Living Walls Instant Hedges Question by Rita M: What color should we paint den; it faces north; entry has green slate floor & blue walls; living mauve walls? Need help with wall color for north facing den that gets very little natural light. Our entry way has dark green slate floor and blue walls. The living room has mauve walls and light gray carpet and the dining room has one blue wall and three mauve colored walls with the same light gray carpet. The entry way, living room and dining...

Green Energy Green Energy Solutions : What is the best green energy solutions that may cheap and affordable by everybody?

by ɯoop Question by : Green Energy Solutions : What is the best green energy solutions that may cheap and affordable by everybody? We are concerning how the very practical way to save our earth by using renewable energy or green energy. What is the best green energy solutions that may cheap and affordable by everybody? Best answer: Answer by Jamesnuclear power. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:affordable, best, cheap, energy, everybody, Green, Solutions...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Green Products Green Products?

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Question by Patrick H: Green Products? Do you find it hard to find the right tax breaks on green products and find the right product for federal tax breaks? Best answer: Answer by taxpayerWhy would you expect tax breaks for buying ‘green’ products? Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Green, Products...

Lime Green Living Room What color would complement a lime green living room?

by coco+kelley Question by : What color would complement a lime green living room? I’m planning on doing an accent wall with lime green. The rest of the walls will be white in the living room, white, black, and lime green will be the color in the living room. My kitchen is off of the living room, but I don’t want to do an off the wall crazzy color and have it look like a fun house with to much color. What color would look ok, still fun, but not over the top crazy? Best answer: Answer by naturalgirlTry...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Green Energy Green energy?

Question by Sawyer: Green energy? My energy supplier is offering options of staying the same (regular), going 50% green, or going 100% green. Going green is more expensive. Any advice? Best answer: Answer by vladovikingI think your one of the first in line for the GREEN scam. so your supplier can profit even more. If the green source is shut down for maintnance will you be shut off? Are their two sets of power lines available to your house, a green and regular? An alternative source they may have had for years anyway like Hydroelectric? Do you...

Simple Living Wood Pattern for simple living room creation?

Question by Simba<3: Wood Pattern for simple living room creation? I’m making a simple living room in paint for a game, and I’m looking for a simple wood pattern that I can copy and paste together and it’ll look fine. Anybody? Thanks!! Best answer: Answer by MommiedearestHave you considered looking up scroll designs on line? There are a lot listed but your ecision may not be the same as mine. Have fun. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:creation, Living, Pattern, Room, Simple, Wood...

Green Companies Q&A: Green companies?

by electropod Question by princessfionafantasy: Green companies? What are the best “green” companies to work for? Have you or do you work at one? What do they look for in a new hire? Seen something about it on the Sundance channel and was curious. Best answer: Answer by rushtcompanies that make positive contributions both to the environment and to their shareholders by outperforming their non-green are green companies. Any company will look for a person who accepts challenges and reach an individuals...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Green Living Room Decorating Ideas Any decorating ideas for a small living room with dark green furniture?

Question by Reety: Any decorating ideas for a small living room with dark green furniture? I’ve also got a brown leopard rug, ash and black tv, brown curtains, brown throw pillows and a gold curtain rod. Best answer: Answer by KatjaGoting a gold curtain rod is a wicked idea What do you think? Answer below! Tags:dark, Decorating, Furniture, Green, ideas, Living, Room, small...

Eco Friendly Q&A: eco-friendly?

Question by mike d: eco-friendly? I want to start an eco-friendly waterless car wash. What exactly does eco-friendly mean when dealing with cleaning products. Is silicone eco-friendly. Is there a list of chemicals that are eco-friendly? Also, if something is biodegradable does that mean it is friendly to the environment? Best answer: Answer by Jack S“Eco friendly” is not a clearly understood concept and many may offer different definitions. My preferred definition would be an activity which is environmentally sustainable in that it doesn’t...

Green Apartment Living whats the best way to go green living in a apartment?

Question by chris: whats the best way to go green living in a apartment? i was wondering whats the best way to go green living in an apartment Best answer: Answer by Ryan HPaint Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Apartment, best, Green, Living, whats...

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