Question by ☾ The Don ☽: What colors should I choose for my August newsletter?
Okay. I have a monthly newsletter that I send out to all my fam and friends because I live in a different state. Ya know to update them on my life and events. Each month I choose two colors for the newsletter that correspond with the holidays in that month. For example: in July i chose red and ble (independence day) and in February I chose red and pink (valentines). But in August there aren’t really any holidays so I’m stuck. Please help me choose two colors for the newsletter thanks.
[Definitely not black or white]
My previous color combinations were(so none of these):
navy and grey
pink and red
pink and green
yellow and blue
lavender and turquoise
green and orange
red and blue
Thanks a lot for your help!
Best answer:
Answer by Asd F
you should choose red and orange.they are really cool
What do you think? Answer below!
Tags:August, choose, colors, Green, Living, Newsletter, should
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