Thursday, September 5, 2013

Green Homes Do cloth diapers really keep babies dry, and do they leak?

Question by nanr93: Do cloth diapers really keep babies dry, and do they leak?
I’m expecting my first child (a boy) in October, and am thinking about using cloth diapers instead of disposables. Seems like a responsible choice both for the environment and for my bank account. But is it responsible for my son?

I’m looking for specific experiences with cloth diapers, please, not links or other information about maintaining a green home.
Of course, I’m referring to the new cloth diapers that come with velcro, no diaper pins, that include flushable liners, and that can be used from birth through potty training.

Best answer:

Answer by Sinders
I found using cloth nappies was just as good as disposable but definitely more time consuming. With a good set of pilchers you shouldn’t get to many leaks but you can’t leave a cloth nappy on for as long as you could a disposable. All in all I would say if your committed to the cloth you’ll like it as much if not more than disposable cause like you said it’s cheaper by far.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:babies, Cloth, Diapers, Green, Homes, keep, leak, really, they


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