Monday, December 24, 2012

Brown And Green Living Room Ideas How should I decorate a living room with buttery off-white walls?

Question by sweet_sunshine_74: How should I decorate a living room with buttery off-white walls?
The apartment I’m moving into has sort of ivory/ buttery pale yellow walls with wide white baseboards. My futon is black, and I have a white shelf my TV is on and a glass and silver desk. I also have a brown patterned recliner. Can I use the white, black and glass with the walls the color they are and then throw in some brighter colors like hot pink, green, yellow? I’m thinking I should cover the brown chair as it doesn’t match the color scheme of the rest of the room. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by WENDYCAT
I agree about covering the recliner (In black or off white) but instead of adding hot pink, green, or yellow I would add some wrought iron tables and wall accessories. To me this is such a chic French look with the pale yellow walls. Here’s some ideas:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Brown, buttery, Decorate, Green, ideas, Living, OffWhite, Room, should, Walls


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