Monday, April 2, 2012

Live Green How can I be and live more green in simple ways?

Question by herotwirlgirl: How can I be and live more green in simple ways?
I feel guilty when I am not living green when I know I can be. I am still young, so some simple ideas would be nice! Thx!

Best answer:

Answer by Alisha V
There are so many simply ways to help the world.
Recycling is important-lots of stuff can get recycled, not just cans and bottles-computers, papers, etc.
Reusing is even more important-recycling takes energy to make the stuff into new things, reusing takes no extra energy-use cloth towels instead of paper towels, carry a refillable water bottle instead of buying water in plastic bottles, give stuff you don’t need away on freecycle or craigslist instead of tossing it
Don’t use more electricity than you really need-turn lights off when you leave the room, don’t have the tv on when you aren’t watching it, really important-unplug stuff when you’re not using it, tvs and stuff use a lot of power even when they’re not turned on
Carpool-next time you’re in a traffic jam look at all those people who are sitting alone in their cars, two people per car=half as many cars and a lot less gas used plus less traffic jams
Buy local-it really hurts the environment to buy fruit from across the country when maybe that same type of fruit grows right near you, try to buy when local growers and eat food that is in season, not stuff shipped in from Chile or somewhere.
These are some simple ideas to help and there are lots more out there.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Green, Live, more, Simple, ways


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