Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Green Materials Composite building materials?

Question by Patrick: Composite building materials?
What are some composite building materials that would be a rational way of partly contructing a “Green Building” (Eco-Friendly/effiecient

Best answer:

Answer by Rouse
For structural material, reclaimed wood products is one way to go. These are from reclaimed forest products, which otherwise would be burned are left to decompose, but instead are processed into useable fiber which becomes a byproduct in the construction of engineered beams (first link below is a family of products).

Bamboo lumber (second link below) is another green alternative. It is harvested from live plants, but grows extremely quickly and bamboo can be harvest every 2 to 4 years.

Another product is lumber from recycled plastic (third link). Few people associate the word “plastic” with “green” or “eco-friendly” but plastic wood utilizes materials that would ordinarily go to landfills and instead, sequesters it into houses and buildings for many years to come.

For finish materials, reclaimed wood fiber, bamboo and cork, all make attractive flooring and paneling and are all eco-friendly.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Building, composite, Green, Materials


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