Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Green Living Consulting Q&A: help me make my ps3 green?

Question by adeeb s: help me make my ps3 green?
i want to save money and energy by useing solar panels to generate power for my ps3.
so basically how can i do this.
who should i consult for solar energy.
and how will it work. how many hours of energy can i get. btw i live in dallas texas lots of sun :P
does using solar energy affect taxes or laws ?
and whats a good estimated final price?
please help i love my ps3 and the earth i wanna help earth in anyway i can

Best answer:

Answer by J.
Powerfilm makes a foldable battery charger that can charge NiCad cells or NiMH cells. It is sold through a number of companies as well.

Currently there are no laws in place to tax the sun, but given time, there will be people who will attempt to do just that. So be careful who you vote for.

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Tags:Consulting, Green, Help, Living


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