by Wootang01
Question by flyboy: Would you move to a new self sustaining community of alternative energy homes?
Would you actually MOVE to an off grid, self sustaining community and how far would you be willing to move?
Best answer:
Answer by vertexclimber8
That is my ultimate goal! Not to necessarily ‘move’ but to live in a 100% sustainable/green house off the grid. The only thing stopping me is the much needed capital to start such a thing. Land is not free and even if you pay it off completely there is still property tax. Seeing as how you would have to build everything from the ground up there are required permits along with that depending on your region. It would be a lot of work initially but people have done it and do. If there was such a community I would move there I don’t care where as long as there are the necessary resources available on site like some food and water source. A river would be great! If you know of cheap land or are starting such a community let me know.
What do you think? Answer below!
Tags:Alternative, Communities, community, energy, Green, Homes, Living, move, Self, sustaining, would
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