Question by Naztazia: How can I make my home more energy efficient?
We’ve replaced 1/2 the windows and doors with energy efficient ones. We’ll be getting a new refrig soon too. What else can we do for both the hot summers and more importantly – cold winters?
Best answer:
Answer by Environmentalist
Plant deciduous trees on the sunny side of the house. In the summer, they will provide some shade, reducing your air-conditioning bill. In the winter, when the leaves drop off, the tree won’t block much sunlight, so your house will get nearly as much energy from the sun as if the tree wasn’t there.
On sunny winter days, open curtains/blinds on the sunny side of the house (keep them closed on the non-sunny side). Of course, close them at night or on very cloudy days.
If you have things like a TV that use some electricity (e.g. for the “instant on” feature) even when they are off, then consider plugging them into a socket that you can turn off. (You can plug them into a power strip that has an on/off switch and turn that off.)
Unplug those little power converts (such as the ones for cell phone chargers) when you’re not using them.
Wear a sweater in the winter! I usually let the temperature drop down as far as it can go without my hands stiffening up and slowing my typing.
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Tags:Efficient, energy, home, Homes, more
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