Question by zxsdwe: Is Green Building a good building? Is Good Building a green Building?
Green building is perceived as a good building, but to be a good building does a building has to be green?
Green building has a general consensus, which is one building needs to pass 2 objectives, which is to reduce negative environment impact, and to provide excellent indoor living quality.
So would anyone like to share their opinion?
Best answer:
Answer by Super E
Generally speaking, green buildings are good buildings because of what makes them green. The best way to increase energy-efficiency (thereby reducing carbon emissions) in a house is to make it air tight. This means less warm air leaking from the house. This is always done in conjunction with whole-house mechanical ventilation by responsible builders. So to build a green house, you build tight and ventilate right. Air tightness reduces draughts, noise coming from outside and, if done correctly, increases the durability of walls. Whole house mechanical ventilation reduces indoor humidity, provides continuous fresh (and possibly filtered) air and therefore increases comfort and health. Indoor humidity is a leading cause of mould growth, which in turn is a leading cause of sick building syndrome.
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Tags:Building, Good, Green
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