Sunday, January 5, 2014

Live Green Do you think its important to live green?

Question by tara t: Do you think its important to live green?
The world we live in is limited in its resources and Americans are consuming and discarding at increasing rates. Given the global warming, dirty air ,etc. Do you think its important to live green? how are what are you doing to accomplish this??
Whats expanding day by day?? Fossil fuels and natural resources are being consummed and used at a rate faster than the world can replinish. Only thing I see expanding day by day is the pile of trash in the dump@

Best answer:

Answer by Gred D
we should live green until we have a new solution to live,i’m thinking underwater cities.

note:global warming can’t be stopped just slowed.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Green, important, Live, think


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