Question by BABYCAKES: What is the best drug store product to use for dark circles?
What is a good dark circle remover cream that i can get at a drug store? Something that actually works?? Or any natural home made recipes?
Best answer:
Answer by Maria.
I got this–you don’t need to read any other submissions after this lol! (doing it as I type lol)
MOST IMPORTANT IS SKIN CARE (natural home made recipes) since it will reduce dark circles and puffiness so you don’t need as much concealer or things like that..k so TRUST me on these, there are many different natural remedies as well as concealers and all that!
***POTATO SLICES! Literally get a potatoe…slice a few pieces…and lay back and place those on your eyes for 20min! One of the best things!! Another is ***BLACK (CAFFINATED) TEA BAGS (can use Green Caffinated Tea Bags but black is best!!): Basically steep 2 black tea bags just like your making yourself tea…then put those tea bags in the fridge (not for TOO long) or out in the open–basically let them get cold. *If you leave them out..leave them out overnight* Then place them on your eyelids for 15min. ***CUCUMBER SLICES–cut COLD cucumber slices and place them over your eyes for 15-20 min. ***FROZEN SPOON: put two spoons in the fridge for an hour or so…take them out and hold them onto your eyelids for 10-15min…(that’s more for antipuffiness). ***AVACADO OIL: this is reallllly amazing for dark circles and your can get this at a vitamin shop. What you do is every morning and night (after your treatments and/or before your eye creams) use a smallll amount and rub under your eyes and eyelids…let it dry THEN do whatever you would normally do!
*^*^BEST THING: Potato Peel then the avocado oil mixed together…and if you want anti puffiness..Potato Peel then black tea bags (best) or cold spoon (2nd best)–Always do the potato peel because it works wonders…and if you can use avocado oil day and night!
Cream: um..from a drugstore..I would look at ingredients (usually higher price because it would be in the “natural” creams)…vitamin c is good! vitamin a, vitamin e!…something with 2 of those vitamins is great..if all 3 that’s perfect! Food ingredients is good lol…um..any food extracts is great!
OH BEFORE I FORGET—LEMON JUICE!!! *Dab lemon juice under your eyes…over time it will slowly but surely eliminate the dark circles…partically because of the coloring (yellow neutralizes purple)
CONCEALER–use it!! lol. Get 2: Physicians Formula YELLOW (yes the color yellow lol)–theres one that’s like a long tube that you twist so the color comes out and you brush it on with the brush applicator…its about $ 10 but so worth it! And actually helps get rid of your circles and puffiness over time as well! When you use yellow don’t put a lot on…just a little and you’ll see how amazing the diff is! (**ONLY USE YELLOW IF DARK CIRCLES ARE PRETTY BAD). Concealer #2: Anti-Age Rewind (Maybelline/??) its a smaller tube where you twist and the color comes out and the applicator is a round puffy ball. You can use BOTH (yellow then color) or one…but those are the two best!!!
Use those concealers with the natural remedies and I SWEAR TO YOU IT WORKS!! Also–keep hydrated…6 glasses of water minimum daily..if youre not hydrated well dark circles show. Sleep well! That’s an easy one lol. Get some eyedrops for redness relief…the air..the weather…anything can irritate your eyes and give you dark circles…and eyedrops help a lot!!
I hope I helped )))) Im obsessed with naturopathic medicine and studied premed so I know what works…I live by it–I got you! lol
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Tags:best, circles, dark, drug, Green, Living, product, store
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