Question by motorradfahren250f: Pictures of green urban housing rehabilitation?
I work for an architect in Ohio and i am researching the rehabilitation/construction of single family residences in a low income urban area. My boss is focused on GREEN. I am looking for pictures of urban housing built with green materials. If anyone knows where I can find these pictures or if they have some please let me know
Best answer:
Answer by whsgreenmom
There are several programs on the channel Planet Green, they have a website Take a look at Greenovate and Renovation Nation as well as Greensburg. There are programs in the 9th ward of New Orleans, for the post Katrina rebuild as well.
I don’t know about finding pictures, if you remodel a home green it can still look like any other house. It will just be more energy efficient, take advantage of the natural climate for lighting and climate control and make use of recycled or sustainable materials.
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Tags:Green, Housing, Materials, pictures, Rehabilitation, Urban
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