Monday, September 2, 2013

Green Living Consulting How can my mom get creditors to stop bothering her with my dad's credit problems she had nothing to do with?

Question by EasyGoer: How can my mom get creditors to stop bothering her with my dad’s credit problems she had nothing to do with?
My mom and dad been divorced for over seven years but gets calls every night from these creditors. The creditors seem to not believe he doesn’t live there, thinking her husband to be the one they are looking for. My mom sent cease & desist letters but they are calling again; she thinks the debt was simply sold. She cannot keep paying $ $ $ to send registered mail to these creditors when they can simply keep selling the debts. I’m also not in contact with my dad though he’s asked for money in the past, so no help there.

Best answer:

Answer by the d
i would either get caller id and if you don’t recognize the # then don’t answer it.

Don’t waste any more time sending them anything!! If they’ve been divorced for seven years and your mom is not on any of the bills they are coming after her for then don’t send them anything, your not obligated too, you could honelty say kiss my @ss to them and there is nothing they could do, eventually they will get the point and they will stop calling.

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Tags:bothering, Consulting, Credit, creditors, Dads, Green, Living, Nothing, problems, stop


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