Question by Thomas Palmieri: What Can I Do To Improve My Website?
I would appreciate some feedback about a web site I built around environmental issues.
The site is meant to inform consumers of the dangers in their homes related to toxic chemicals, and offer them an economical green solution that has an upside of earning them an income.
But, as this is my first attempt at web building, I do not know if the site is informative enough, or easily navigated.
I would sincerely appreciate your input and if you have a site, post it here and I would be happy to do the same for you.
Here’s the site
Thanks again.
Best answer:
Answer by music
good website but you have to change
1st. home page should not have alot things in it first page of ur website should be clear and clean cous its the first thing that loads
2nd. the left menu in brown colour is ugly change the colour and change the skin
3. having a video on the first page in ur website will making viewing the page slower ,,, why? cous the video will start buffering it self so it takes from the net speed
check my website
hope that i helped u a little
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Tags:Green, improve, Solutions, website
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