Question by MomofOneSpnkyGrl: Can you sell a home with vivid interior paint colors?
Hi. I have a home that was new construction. It was originally painted white. I absolutely hate white and tan walls. All of the rooms have color, and when I say color I mean eggplant purple, red, hunter green…The home’s floorplan is very boxy, each room is a box and there aren’t many halls, so character definition is paramount. If the home was just white, or tan, it would be one large big box. Plus, I am a ‘vivid’ person so I wanted my home to reflect who I am, not following the latest trend. I’ve read that such colors are a turnoff to buyers. Is that true? I don’t want to repaint it tan when it is time to sell because it would cost thousands (the home is over 4500 sq ft). It has been my understanding, at least for me personally, that what helps sell a home is if the buyer sees something in it that they like. There’s got to be people who can appreciate color.
Best answer:
Answer by twowords
Sure, there are many people who appreciate color: THEIR colors, that THEY choose. If you don’t want to paint every room, I would paint the ‘family rooms’; the kitchen, living room, and den soft calming colors. They don’t have to be starch white, but a beige or nearwhite grey would do.
You want people to be able to see this as “their” home when you sell it; help them imagine this.
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Tags:colors, Green, home, Homes, interior, paint, sell, vivid
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