Question by *: How to not feel depressed after coming back from a vacation?
I took a vacation from Arizona last month. I was loving the green country, beaches, and 70 to 80 degree weather. Unfortunately, it came time for me to return, and I was unhappy the entire plane ride, and the second I got off the plane it was the instant remembrance that I’m in hell again. I truly do hate this place, with it’s dry, water less desert, blaring sun, and 110 degree temperatures. It’s been a month since I’ve been back home here and I’m still depressed.
Best answer:
Answer by Quesoamericano
If you want to cool off you can always swim (There might be more pools than people in phoenix Anyways, try doing things you can do here that you couldn’t do on vacation. For example, if you went to Chinatown, get some good Italian food.
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Tags:after, back, coming, depressed, Feel, from, Green, Guide, Living, vacation
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