Question by Kenzie: Why does nobody seem to care about the environment?
Ok, this is just statistical purposes. I would like to know what you guys think why many people don’t care about the environment (your home) as much as they probably should.
Like I said this is just for statistical purposes for my own use and would like to know what you guys think about it.
And if you could, provide some sort of Solution to the problem or if we can fix it at all.
Thanks for your time =)
Best answer:
Answer by major pain
there is nothing wrong with the environment, global warming has benn going on for millions of years. heating and cooling of the earth every 20000-10000 years. as we get closer and farther from the sun. the only reason people are bitching ans wineing about it now is because the last time this happened we where still living in caves banging rocks together
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tags:about, Care, Design, environment, home, nobody, seem, Sustainable
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