Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Green Companies What "Green" Companies Are Hiring, Successful And Self-Sustaining?

Question by : What “Green” Companies Are Hiring, Successful And Self-Sustaining?
Are there ANY so-called “green” companies that are growing, hiring, successful and able to thrive without any taxpayer support?

Best answer:

Answer by wrfine
None that I know of? Didn’t Obama get into trouble with The Green Scheme?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Companies, Green, hiring, SelfSustaining, Successful


There are plenty of smaller green related companies who are doing very well. They may not exist solely on "green" but they offer sustainable energy services or low impact construction. Anytime the government tries to force something (in reality just dump boatloads of taxpayer dollars into their friend's pockets) it's just not going to work. There are true capitalists out here who are daily offering small servings of "green". Just because the Obama administration played some dirty pool with Solyndra doesn't make green/sustainable "stupid", "anti-American" or "hippie shit".

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