Saturday, March 31, 2012

Green And Brown Living Room Ideas Looking for pictures for living room decoration ideas?

Question by ashestodawn: Looking for pictures for living room decoration ideas? Right now I’m thinking maybe earthy tones – green and brown… I’m living in an apartment with a guy friend so it needs to be gender neutral.. any ideas on where to find pics for ideas???? Best answer: Answer by keshav.sakhaHi, Below are some link of helpful articles on living room decor and Living Room Picture Gallery:

Going Green Facts What are some good 'green' facts?

Question by I ♥ ?: What are some good ‘green’ facts? I joined the Green Team at my school and my job is to find some good facts for going green that we could hang up around the school. Best answer: Answer by generation7aluminum cans have no life span-they can be recycled & remade infinite times,& can be back on a store shelf w/in 6 months. 80% of energy used to wash clothes is used in heating the water-wash in cold. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Facts, Going, Good, Green, some...

Green Smart Living Liberals...what are some of the ways you are living 'green' everyday?

Question by Lyla: Liberals…what are some of the ways you are living ‘green’ everyday? I hope your not eating meat, and got rid of your plasmas and big screen tvs…you dont keep your thermostats above 68 degrees do you? Are you driving a smart car? What about breathing too much…you do know its dangerous and is very very bad for the world…how are you controlling that? Give me some examples of your green living…hopefully its strictly ‘green’ wouldnt dare contribute to the ‘climate change’…would you? Best answer: Answer by Stephanie says ur...

Friday, March 30, 2012


by holisticgeek Question by ANY REPTILE EXPOS IN LA? hi can any one tell when a reptile expo will be coming up? i live in CA is there any near LA i heard i could probably find someone selling baby green anacondas Cus i really want one and yes i have done my Research about them i know they can get to be almost 30ft Best answer: Answer by Ball Python List of all upcoming expos. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:expo,...

Green Living Blog Which celebrities are truly interested in going green?

Question by : Which celebrities are truly interested in going green? I saw an article about celebrities that are good examples of green living. I heard about Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc. Do you know any other ones? Source: Best answer: Answer by ♥ M.J.J ♥ AlWaYz & FoReVeR ♥Ummmm Brooke Hogans roommate Ashley…? ♥ M.J.J ♥ AlWaYz & FoReVeR ♥ Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Blog, celebrities, Going, Green, interested,...

Green Walls Living Walls I am painting my living room two different colors a light biege and a darker green? Which walls, which color?

Question by Jimmy S: I am painting my living room two different colors a light biege and a darker green? Which walls, which color? There are 4 walls, one wall has a stone fireplace on it. Do you paint two adjacent to each other, or more like a horse shoe or what? I’m confused, any help would be greatly appreciated. Best answer: Answer by homegirlPick one of the two colors as the accent color, paint the fireplace wall the accent color this will make the fireplace wall the focal point of the room. I would be very careful about a light beige with...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Green Living Forums Q&A: Where and How to best advertise for our Huge Residential Lot in Palawan, Philippines?

Question by fatbiguglytoad: Where and How to best advertise for our Huge Residential Lot in Palawan, Philippines? I’ve been trying to sell our lots on the internet mostly using free classified ads and other websites where I can post for free, but all I got is SPAM in my inbox and no really really serious interested people. Some consider it expensive, but if you consider neighbors prices and the going rate for the area.. we’re at the right level. To see what I’m talking about.. see I prefer using free internet services...

Green Building Products Am I the only one who cares about green building products?

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Question by : Am I the only one who cares about green building products? Every building store whether flooring, cabinets, and every one of my friends and family member could care less about this topic and why I am being so careful on what I remodel and put back into this house I bought. The flooring guy was so irritated that I dare ask about VOC’s and my fear of breathing in fumes from adhesives and formaldehyde and the stainmaster products made with dupont. Flor Guy says...

Environmentally Friendly Products What environmentally friendly products work as well as bleach?

Question by Buck Cherry: What environmentally friendly products work as well as bleach? I use bleach to clean almost everything, what products are there that are better for the environment but still clean as quickly and well as bleach? Best answer: Answer by GracieMIt depends on what you’re cleaning. For general household chores, use vinegar and water or baking soda. For laundry, lemon juice and salt works well, as does sunshine. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Bleach, Environmentally, friendly, Products, well, Work...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Environmentally Friendly Products Are there any environmentally friendly products that contain toxic materials?

Question by PikaPika: Are there any environmentally friendly products that contain toxic materials? Does anyone know of anything electronic that can be environmentally friendly yet it still contains toxic materials? For example, are there any electric cars that contain toxins within them which may or may not be hard to dispose of? Best answer: Answer by Irv SEverything has a downside. Any battery will contain some toxic material. To get the materials to make solar panels, or wind turbines, or the plastic insulation that saves energy, toxins and...

Green Home Plans What are some websites that have Environmentally/"Green" Home plans?

Question by anc_xx: What are some websites that have Environmentally/”Green” Home plans? Preferably 3,000-5,000 square feet, but whatever is easy. Best answer: Answer by Ronald PAnc-xx look at Dream Green website. Good Luck What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Environmentally/Green, Green, home, Plans, some, Websites...

Green And Brown Living Room Ideas Help with Decorating my Living room?

Question by : Help with Decorating my Living room? My living room is carmel brown and attached and opens up to the kitchen..My kitchen is sage green and has hints of green, brown and black.. I want my living room to flow with the kitchen.. I am thinking of doing a paris theme in my living room and buying the stuff from hobby lobby but can’t decorate.. Can anyone suggest decor or ideas for the living room? Best answer: Answer by J.A.H.Consider pulling sage green into the living room through the use of decorative pillows and artwork. Perhaps even...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Green Living Forums I ran a red light then it changed to green?

by \!/_PeacePlusOne Question by : I ran a red light then it changed to green? kay so im really freaked out right now. Yesterday coming back from work I think I ran a red light. I wasnt paying attention and when i looked up I saw a red light and jammed on the brakes, and I think i slid about 1-1 1/2 feeet past the white line. Right when i stopped i looked up and the light was green. They did not have red light cameras that flash bc i live in oeplousas louisiana its a small town. However they did...

Tips For Green Living where can I find good tips for green living?

Question by lizzie c: where can I find good tips for green living? where can I find good tips for green living? I’m doing all the big things but I want to make sure I do the little things too. suggestions? websites? Best answer: Answer by Jtro Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:find, Good, Green, Living, Tips...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Eco Friendly Gifts I need name ideas for my gift shop which sells eco friendly gIfts.. any suggestions?

by Cubist Castle Question by : I need name ideas for my gift shop which sells eco friendly gIfts.. any suggestions? I am looking for something which I can name my store as well as the website which is going to sell the same products Best answer: Answer by bikerGreen gifts Tag line of ‘ gifts that don’t cost the earth’ Give your answer to this question below! Tags:friendly, gift, Gifts, ideas, name, need, sells, shop, suggestions...

Green Living Furniture I painted my living room a sage-life shade of green. I have dark wood furniture. What color couch should I buy

by Nature form furniture Question by Mirvis: I painted my living room a sage-life shade of green. I have dark wood furniture. What color couch should I buy The room is Kennebunkport Green with white trim. The existing furniture I have is dark brown – i need to buy a couch, coffee table, and media center. what color should my couch be? and where do i get one that’s contemporary yet comfortable? Sage-like! Not sage-life! Best answer: Answer by Sheep Clonera lighter green or cream. What do you think?...

Simple Living What word describes the belief of superiority/inferiority of people living in simple societies?

Question by Jamar (the redcuber): What word describes the belief of superiority/inferiority of people living in simple societies? I’m trying to describe the kind of discrimination that a person living in a simpler society/civilization may face by people from the developed world. When I say simpler society, I’m talking about the tribal peoples throughout Africa, Brazil, Australia and the Amish in the US. Best answer: Answer by A HIf you want to borrow a word the brits use more than us, haughty. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:belief,...

Live Green Live Green?

by EatandLiveGreen Question by sonnymoore_owns: Live Green? i need a slogan. something with LIVE GREEN at the end. (: please help. Best answer: Answer by alyssaaaa(:Don’t be Mean…Live Green! Be Clean, Live Green lol thats all i can think of… that rhymes anyways (: Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Green, Live...

Green Living Project video of ramdom stuff for a PSA on living green for a student project?

Question by elfman236: video of ramdom stuff for a PSA on living green for a student project? I’m trying to find high quality videos of random stuff, like nature people traffic has to be creative commons or public domain. the clips don’t have to be long just i need high quality clips. Best answer: Answer by CalchasTry, it allows you to download videos. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Green, Living, project, ramdom, student, stuff, Video...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Going Green Going green?

Question by HELLO my name is : BECKY: Going green? So as we all know, many Americans are going green. They are conserving water, planting trees, and cutting back on a lot of pollutants, but my question is: What are people in OTHER countries doing in order to go green? Best answer: Answer by Kim RFolks in Europe and Asia are turning from gasoline-powered cars to those that run on natural gas or other things. They’re ahead of us (the USA) in that respect. I have 2 cars that run on natural gas, and I love them! They’re sooo cheap to run, plus it’s...

Ways To Go Green Is there a difference with the way green tea is prepared?

by Marcos Dornbusch Lobo Question by : Is there a difference with the way green tea is prepared? I went to the corner store for green tea and they only got the already prepared half gallon of it. Is it still just as affective as the green tea bags? Best answer: Answer by Oh, just EVOLVE!Affective in what way? But yes, if they brew it themselves it will still have the same amount of healthy antioxidants as tea bags. This all depends on how concentrated it is, of course. Give your answer to this...

Energy Efficient Homes Are there any major grants for building homes? Like maybe energy efficient homes?

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Question by : Are there any major grants for building homes? Like maybe energy efficient homes? I’m looking for grants or other things like them to help me build a house. Any suggestion would be helpful. Best answer: Answer by Frank ThosmasI recommend you to check the Scholarship & Grant Guide ( This is the World’s only consumer-rating guide for online scholarship search sites. The Guide provides students, parents and educators with unbiased...

Going Green Ideas Q&A: Anyone have going green ideas ?

by University of Maryland Press Releases Question by skywritter2006: Anyone have going green ideas ? In my school we have this club called going green (duh) and he asked us what we should do 2 make our school more eco friendly and like almost no1 could think of any thing PLEASE HELP THE EARTH IS CALLING!!!??? LOL Best answer: Answer by whsgreenmomHere are a few suggestions. There is also a climate challenge for schools to learn more about sustainability, I put the link. Cafeteria: Use recycled...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Green Energy Live What are some ways to live green, organic and energy efficient?

by Miss Bliss 55 Question by Jez: What are some ways to live green, organic and energy efficient? Best answer: Answer by megalomaniacRide a bike, eat local food, eat less meat, think about your total energy use throughout your pattern of life (at home, at work, at play) and adjust your decison making accordingly. There are a lot more ways of doing things than we think there are. The biggest obstacle to living more ‘greenly’ is the weight of momentum of existing practices. (ie – we’re afraid of...

Go Green Tips Q&A: Okay I want to make a documentary that will inspire my school to go green any tips?

by austinevan Question by Brenda: Okay I want to make a documentary that will inspire my school to go green any tips? I just need tips on how I should get this started so that I can make this believable, any internet software i can download or anything I want to keep it simple and free so yea thanx feel free to give your opinions and and recommendations Best answer: Answer by Ali Msounds fun.. no one ever realizes the cleaners they use, the waste they produce in making the food, the electricity...

Green Living Store Q&A: Can we still eat and live "green" without going to a health food store?

Question by Mz Tomato: Can we still eat and live “green” without going to a health food store? Can we just go to a regular retail store? Can you give me some tips? Best answer: Answer by TATOf course, you can. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Proctor and Gamble and several other companies are now exploiting the need of those who think they need to be green by making cleaning products that are “environmentally friendly” Give your answer to this question below! Tags:food, Going, Green, Health, Live, Living, still, store, WITHOUT...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Green Living Furniture what colors match with sage green furniture? Im looking for a color to paint my walls in my living room.?

Question by mustang87: what colors match with sage green furniture? Im looking for a color to paint my walls in my living room.? here is the link to what the furniture looks like BTW my floors are light wood sorry for the link problem, if you can make it to the website then go to llving room set and look for the name brand Keelan, they only have three Best answer: Answer by TiffanyI think this color red would look good:

Alternative Energy Alternative energy?

Question by fefe k: Alternative energy? What do you think will happen once oil and natural gas start becoming really scarce? I read somewhere that the world could survive with 20/30% less energy because so much is wasted but then what? What if the supply decreases by 75%? Judging by prices alone i would say that current supply is at best “tight” and will slowly decrease worldwide in the years to come. Will alternative energies, even the ones that supposedly work (and they might not), be at least available when needed? Best answer: Answer by FunnyBearWe...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Green Living Solutions Green Credit Solutions located near Orange County, not a reputable company?

by \!/_PeacePlusOne Question by jenypie: Green Credit Solutions located near Orange County, not a reputable company? I have been trying to get in contact with them over the phone lines and now I found out they have filed for bankruptcy and closed down their live chat. I am so frustrated with this company. Have you guys heard of them? Best answer: Answer by Janet PFiling for bankruptcy does not mean they were not legitimate. I have never heard of them, but their bankruptcy pretty much ends...

Sustainable Living What careers can I have with a bachelors in Sustainable Living?

by Steel Wool Question by : What careers can I have with a bachelors in Sustainable Living? This University looks so interesting… I wanted to major in Film, but they don’t really have that great of a film program xD However, the sustainable living program looks interesting. I just want to know if I’m also getting a degree in something that will help me in this economy! Especially compared to a BFA (fine arts) which is what I’ll get if I go to a different university....

Green Living Nyc Q&A: Marrying my girlfriend and will be living in NYC, can I claim any benefits for being disabled?

by Môsieur J. [version 7.0.1] Question by lagerbreath: Marrying my girlfriend and will be living in NYC, can I claim any benefits for being disabled? Hi folks, I’m british, marrying my fioncee and moving to NYC soon..once i’m there with a green card is there any benefits I can claim for being permanently disabled like I am in the UK? Best answer: Answer by smartypants909Only if you have paid into the Social Security system. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:being, benefits, claim, disabled,...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green Living Solutions Q&A: Solutions to peak oil?

by \!/_PeacePlusOne Question by gumby08: Solutions to peak oil? What is the USA doing about the oil crisis? Drilling wont be good forever..Is anyone planing on rebuilding railway systems? Who is in charge of that? All these ?’s come because I just watched the film”the end of suburbia”. Is green living solutions still a grass roots movement or is the USA taking action? Best answer: Answer by Tashkent TMany of the problems of diminishing oil reserves can be made easier by common sense. Other difficulties...

Green Living Products Living green on a budget?

by dave~ Question by shazbarcrumpet: Living green on a budget? I’m a mother of 4 boys and want to make sure they have a healthy home. How can I live green when green products cost sometimes double the price of others? Isn’t there an easier way? You’ve all got some great suggestions. ECOS has some great products: I already freecyle. I stopped buying Bleach and use the 12lb bag from Sams..(I’m already a fan of BULK)..I pass down all my kids clothes....

Green Living Room Walls My living room walls are pepper mint green. What color should I paint an attached dinning room?

Question by : My living room walls are pepper mint green. What color should I paint an attached dinning room? My kitchen is pumpkin orange leads out to the dinning room whilst the dinning room leads to the living room. Best answer: Answer by Allison Collinsyellow maybe orange or tan Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:attached, color, dinning, Green, Living, Mint, paint, pepper, Room, should, Walls...

Green Living Show Q&A: Does anyone know the old nickelodeon show that is about a boy that has 2 green alien living with him?

Question by : Does anyone know the old nickelodeon show that is about a boy that has 2 green alien living with him? Please can you help me? Its about this kid that is in high school and he has two green aliens living with him. And when anyone comes in his room while they are there they will turn into dolls…. Please put suggestions even if you are not sure!! Best answer: Answer by Fiiiiiveyeah blob heads Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:about, alien, Anyone, Green, know, Living, nickelodeon, show...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Green Living Furniture I painted my living room a light gold color. I have sage green furniture. What color curtains would look best?

Question by lisa2775r: I painted my living room a light gold color. I have sage green furniture. What color curtains would look best? Best answer: Answer by juan hombrePurple. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:best, color, curtains, Furniture, gold, Green, light, Living, look, painted, Room, sage, would...

Green Living Blog What are some ways to promote my blog:

Question by Ryan: What are some ways to promote my blog: I run a blog about Tiny Houses or Small Houses, Tiny Living, and cover other topics such as green living, eco friendly etc. I am trying to reach more readers and share my passion about Tiny Houses, what are some ideas to get my website to more people? Check it out, the site is at: to get a better ideas what it is all about. Best answer: Answer by Terry BInteresting niche, and blog! Love the log cabin 2.0! My suggestion is to start off by making sure every...

Green Living Forums MN green laser laws?

Question by DiScO DaNeE: MN green laser laws? i want to order a green laser pointer online, i read the stores forums and heard people saying their lasers were taken from the customs as they were i guess illegal. i want to buy a 30mw green laser pen, and i dont want to spend my money and have the laser taken away from customs during shipping. i live in savage mn, and i cant find any laws against them, as i cant find anything to find the laws. im thinking about calling the city hall, and talking to them. i you know anything about laser pointer...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sustainable What is the best company for sustainable snowboard outerwear?

Question by Jason W: What is the best company for sustainable snowboard outerwear? My old jacket sucks, and Im getting a job at echo mountain as park staff, and I need a new one that is warm, and can handle some wear in the elements. Waterproofing stuff synthetic fabrics are notoriously bad for the environment, but I know there are sustainable methods out there. I am trying to only buy clothing that is sustainable for the environment, and prefer american or fair trade made products. Does anybody...

Going Green Facts Need to write up or figure out something to put in a time capsel about going green?

Question by bri_roxz: Need to write up or figure out something to put in a time capsel about going green? I have 5 hours to do this. Im on student counsil and I have to have this. Any going green facts statistics or information would be great and somethin really cheap I could put in there that has to do with going green. Best answer: Answer by nuckplukchukbuck62Maybe things that’ll show people in the future how we lived… like dvds or cell phones (probably ones that dont work) or really super fancy spoons. Add your own answer in the comments! ...

Sustainable What is a sustainable replacement for synthetic leather (PU) which can be used to construct a ballerina flat?

by Premier Packaging Question by : What is a sustainable replacement for synthetic leather (PU) which can be used to construct a ballerina flat? I would like to find a material which can be used to manufacture the upper of a ballerina flat that is sustainable (preferably biodegradable). This material should not be very porous, as the shoes should be water resistant, and attractive looking. For the sole, I am considering using recycled car tire rubber, however if anyone has any other recommendations...

Green Living Products Q&A: For those For those who are into Green Living, what do you think of Mary Kay products?

Question by jaysantos81: For those For those who are into Green Living, what do you think of Mary Kay products? They say that they have a new slogan, “Pink is the new green” or something like that . . but does anyone have any information on how green they really are? Best answer: Answer by tina mitchi think mary kay product are excellent i sell it and you shouldn’t have a problem Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Green, into, Living, Mary, Products, think, Those...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Green Living Technologies Any ideas for a Rhetoricla Criticism Project on Sustainability?

by PeterTea Question by whatiship100: Any ideas for a Rhetoricla Criticism Project on Sustainability? I am taking a rhetorical criticism class in my communications grad program and I am working on finding a good topic (artifact/text) related to climate change, the environment, sustainability, green living, clean technology, etc. to analyze and critique. It could be an ad campaign, a speech, a film, a website. I am looking for ones that aren’t as obvious – Al Gore’s movie and Greenpeace are examples...

Green Living Ideas Q&A: What are some off the grid living ideas?

Question by : What are some off the grid living ideas? Living off the grid ideas, living eco friendly? green living ect. Best answer: Answer by JoyI have many ideas.. For example using solar energy to heat water or use wind energy, or geothermal energy. Here’s info about solar kits for homes… Making your home energy efficient helps… There are lots of tips at this website about that…. Growing a garden of vegetable to eat. Give your answer to this...

Green Living Consulting Im a green card holder and Macedonian by nationaly? Is 130$ fee for tourist viza for brazil applicable to me?

Question by basler: Im a green card holder and Macedonian by nationaly? Is 130$ fee for tourist viza for brazil applicable to me? Usually teh visa fee for US citizens going in brazil is 130….but since im another nationality it shouldnt apply for me, although im a green card holder and living in US right? Can anyway consult me on this? Best answer: Answer by CharlieBeing a U.S. green card holder in no way affects your visa application to Brazil. If they require this fee of Mecedonians also, you need to pay it, if not then yu do not need to. The...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Austin Green Living I live in Austin, TX. How do I find out how much property the city owns?

Question by Shanna: I live in Austin, TX. How do I find out how much property the city owns? I want to know how much undeveloped land the city own collectively– large tracts i.e. “green spaces” as well as small lots possibly used for storage of materials for the electric company, road contruction etc. Do cities keep data on this in one lump or will I have to call the utility company, the Park and Rec. dep. etc. individually? Ah! Yes the tax rolls! Actually leads to a site for Texas vacations. But works. And lo and behold...

Green Living Ideas What are some good "living green" or environmental ideas?

by heymarchetti Question by Chrissy: What are some good “living green” or environmental ideas? to teach to preschool age and toddlers? Best answer: Answer by You Aint Seen Nuthin’ Yet!Kids love worms, make them a simple wormery to show them how to cycle nutrients. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:environmental, Good, Green, ideas, Living, some...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Green Living Consultant Where, in Seattle, can I find an job as an environmental scientist?

Question by outdooreli: Where, in Seattle, can I find an job as an environmental scientist? Hello! I Grad school is over, my lease is up soon, and my schedule is wide open. I am planning on moving to Seattle in July with my girlfriend (her company has another office there, so she can transfer) and I’m looking to work as a research biologist, environmental consultant, environmental advocate or some mix of those. I’m open to anything. I just finished my MS in Environmental Science and Policy from Johns Hopkins Univeristy and have a BS in Wildlife...

Green Living Books What are some of the best "green books" out there?

by nofi Question by Desidarius: What are some of the best “green books” out there? I want to order some green living books online but there are so many I want to make sure I get the most useful ones; so if anyone has read several, please make some suggestions on the ones you found to be most informative/useful Best answer: Answer by ethan pAn Inconvenient Truth, the book, not the documentary is really good. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:best, Books, Green, Living, some, there...

Eco Friendly Homes I need a copy of a Yahoo featured story about smaller luxury homes, eco-friendly, any help?

Question by isaacsprpl95: I need a copy of a Yahoo featured story about smaller luxury homes, eco-friendly, any help? The story detailed how more people are buying these houses as second homes and vacation homes, they’re around 600 sq ft, the profiled one of the builders, the houses sell for about $ 150,000, usually one open room, integrate cabinets and storage capacity, customers seemed to be environementally focused. I ran across the story at wok one day and need it now for a reference and having the hardest time locating it, any help would...

Green Construction Q&A: When did the idea of green construction begin?

by caribb Question by NevetSi: When did the idea of green construction begin? What year did green construction talk and ideas begin? Did it begin with the formation of the USGBC or were there organizations that predated this? I’m referring to organizations, government bodies, lobbyists or “outstanding citizens”…… from modern history. Best answer: Answer by Nata Tit started in 25,000 BC. Man found out that if you don’t keep things clean you get sick and die. Know better? Leave your own answer in...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Energy Efficient Homes What government grants would be available to a small business that manufactures energy efficient homes?

Question by { jeanette }: What government grants would be available to a small business that manufactures energy efficient homes? I’ve been researching this for a while now, and can’t find what I’m looking for. Does anyone know anywhere I could find a list of available grants? Thanks! Best answer: Answer by PiggiePantsI don’t know where you can find such a list – did you check yet? Another resource that could help you is the U.S. Green Building Council – which migh tprovide some addition leads for your...

Green Living Consultant Can a U.S. citizen college student work in Canada for the summer?

by Chris Devers Question by : Can a U.S. citizen college student work in Canada for the summer? My daughter may have an opportunity to intern in Canada this summer; they want to hire her as a consultant. She would be living there. Does she have to have anything akin to a U.S. green card? Anything else we should consider like taxes? Best answer: Answer by DocYes, and yes she would pay taxes Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:canada, citizen, college, Consultant, Green,...

Green Living Show Q&A: What's a better live show Green Day or Kiss?

by thegreenpages Question by : What’s a better live show Green Day or Kiss? I recently saw Green Day one of my favorite bands. It was the best concert I have ever seen. Now I’m seeing Kiss in about a week. I was wondering if anyone has seen both live shows and tell me their opinion on them. Best answer: Answer by HaydenKISS, definitly. Much more entertaining. Fire breathing, blood spitting, its all well worth whatever you paid for the ticket. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:better,...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green Living Az What's the cheapest and quickest way to get my lawn going in AZ?

Question by Aric R: What’s the cheapest and quickest way to get my lawn going in AZ? I just got a warning from the city for my wonderfully weedy front lawn. What’s my cheapest and most rapid way to get a nice looking green lawn being that I live in AZ and it’s averaging 95 degrees 24 hours a day now? Best answer: Answer by reynwaterWow – the lawn police cited you? My smart alec answer would be to throw down wild flower seeds, water daily (at night, maybe in arid AZ) and tell them you are Xeriscaping to conserve water. Weed and feed. Scatter grass...

Green Living Communities I am writing a paper/poll - When people live in green homes do they become more aware of environmental issues?

by AngryBeth Question by C john: I am writing a paper/poll – When people live in green homes do they become more aware of environmental issues? Any information would be great on people living in green certified communities also. Best answer: Answer by prettibella ♥duh Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:aware, become, Communities, environmental, Green, Homes, issues, Live, Living, more, paper/poll, people, they, writing...

What Is Green Living what website is the best for tips on green living?

by Meredith James Johnstone Question by AddieMom13: what website is the best for tips on green living? What website would you recommend to a family getting more involved with green living? We already do basic things, like recycle, reuse, turn off lights when we don’t need them, keep the heat low, don’t run the water, etc..but it never occurred to me to wash clothes in cold water only. Where can I find more great ideas like that? Thanks! Best answer: Answer by kcguy6935I have several and they are...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Green Living Magazine I want to know more about the ridiculousness of green living?

Question by vuhoangnam1988: I want to know more about the ridiculousness of green living? I recently read a very interesting article in GQ magazine on how overspending and inefficient some green living solutions are. I decided to choose this as my topic for my semester’s research paper. But I have not found any websites that focus on this. Anyone knows? Updates: I am very surprised to see such amount of answers for a short period of time. All I can say is that I am very appreciate your contributions. But there is some misunderstanding (and accusations)...

Alternative Energy Alternative Energy?

Question by Carolina P: Alternative Energy? I’ve read reports that by 2030, 115 million barrels of oil need to be produced to the meet the increase needs of China and India. This particular author advocated highly for alternative energies. However, I read another source, where the argument was that alternative energies were just as harmful to the environment. It is clear that the stifling need of fuels from over-populated India and China pose a large challenge, but is alternative energy the answer? Is there really enough oil to last us at least...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Eco Friendly Gifts Q&A: What are the best 'eco-friendly' gifts to buy loved ones?

by Rjabinnik and Rounien Question by Deborah: What are the best ‘eco-friendly’ gifts to buy loved ones? I would like to buy something meaningful for my boyfriend and family for Christmas this year. What are some good ideas on what to give them that will be eco-friendly. That is to put the focus on being mindful of our environment (or animals!) Thanks! FYI – although its a great idea, I would prefer not to go the homemade route Best answer: Answer by Alex Tsome worms. they are really good at...

Green And Brown Living Room Ideas With a blue sectional couch, what shade of green paint for living room should I choose?

Question by ☮MεlαniεƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¸¸.•*´`☮♡☮♡☮☮♡☮: With a blue sectional couch, what shade of green paint for living room should I choose? I have light brown wood floors and white trim, beige paint right now. The only furniture I have is a blue sectional couch by Lane, and I love green…any ideas? Best answer: Answer by asian_paladintry blue and green broad stripes the blue to match the couch and your favorite shade of green What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Blue, Brown, choose, couch, Green, ideas, Living, paint, Room, sectional, shade, should...

Austin Green Living Will Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green divorce?

by watsonsinelgin Question by You’ll Never Know My Name: Will Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green divorce? Will these two celebrities divorce shortly after marriage? It seems 99% of celebrities divorce each other after marriage. Will they divorce or will they live happily forever after? Feel free to bet on it too. Will Smith and….that lady are the only two celebrities I know that are still together. Aren’t they? They’re engaged. Best answer: Answer by KJ MotorsportsThey’re married? I thought she...

Green Living Consultant Q&A: I have received a offer cum oppointment letter from sun oil consultant is this company is fake one?

Question by kunal p: I have received a offer cum oppointment letter from sun oil consultant is this company is fake one? EMPLOYER: SUN OIL & GAS COMPANY LIMITED – UNITED KINGDOM RECRUITMENT AGENT: SUN OIL CONSULTANT – UK JOB LOCATION: UNITED KINGDOM. 67 Hills Drive – Green Hemshpere London – United Kingdom JOB. ID. GTM/QW/SUN 05155-05 UK ATTENTION: KUNAL P.PATIL, Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!! This is an Affirmation that your Experiences and Qualifications where found suitably qualified for...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sustainable Living Q&A: How to start sustainable urban living?

by Moosicorn Question by : How to start sustainable urban living? I’ve wanted to really get into sustainable living. I just moved into an apartment with a balcony and I’m overwhelmed with options… Where is the best place to start? I am in a landscape horticulture program right now and taking ‘intro to sustainable landscaping’. This means I can do more stuff, but also have less focus. I have done little things such as buying mainly thrift and slowly making all my own toiletries. Best answer:...

Energy Efficient Homes Programs that build energy efficient homes in poverty stricken countries?

by USDAgov Question by smartypants242: Programs that build energy efficient homes in poverty stricken countries? Are there any existing programs that build homes for the poor in developing countries, not just reconstruct the tiny shacks that the people live in, but replacing the homes with energy efficient homes so as to solve two problems at once. I really need to know if a program similar to this exists already. thanks BugYA- No, not really. I was wondering if there was a program in the UN that...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Energy Efficient Homes How do energy efficient homes work?

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Question by : How do energy efficient homes work? I’m making an energy efficient house for a science project, and all I can think of is the fact that the house works by taking energy from the sun. Best answer: Answer by Stephen MA super insulated home uses less energy to start with. Your home can have PV panels to general electricity. You can use a solar hot water heater. You can have energy efficient lighting and appliances. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Efficient,...

Green Living Magazine What is a good "GREEN" magazine?

Question by jaker0135: What is a good “GREEN” magazine? I’m looking for a magazine that will tell about the future of electric cars, wind turbines, other future energy oriented stuff, green technology, engineering breakthroughs to help green the planet up some, information on biofuels, organic/natural/local foods, sustainable living, and whatever else you can think of that is “GREEN” oriented. I am preparing to go into engineering and would like a good source of education to help direct my future. Best answer: Answer by April

Eco Friendly Homes Q&A: Would you pay more for an eco friendly home? foreclosed homes?

by hotelkursaal&ausonia Question by Martin B: Would you pay more for an eco friendly home? foreclosed homes? I want to purchase a foreclosed home, and then turn the home eco friendly by adding solar panels and what not? Do you think people would be interested in paying a bit more for that type of house? Best answer: Answer by Nicole SIt depends! I wouldnt, but you never know? Its probably a pretty big risk though! I would just fix it up a little, and then sell it! Good luck! Add your own answer...

Green Products What are some of your favorite organic or green products?

Question by SXCBtCh09: What are some of your favorite organic or green products? I’m starting to get into going green and using organic products. So far, I use organic shampoo, makeup, lotions, soap, etc. I light soy candles (which smell better than regular candles, btw), and I just recently bought a recycled stainless steel waterbottle that is supposed to promote “going green”. What are some of your organic or “green” favorites? Best answer: Answer by Jason Lgreen bell peppers i addict eating those right now. Know better? Leave your own answer...

Green Walls Living Walls I have black living room furniture,I need to find out what color walls to do. I am thinking of an accent wall?

Question by Paula A: I have black living room furniture,I need to find out what color walls to do. I am thinking of an accent wall? I am thinking of a brighter kiwi green wall as an accent. But the rest of the living room walls are all connected so I have to paint the upstairs hallway,living room and the front entrance way all the same color. White seems to be the only thing that matches…any other ideas,really not a white wall person?? The carpet is a light beige tan. Best answer: Answer by twinklestarYou can try something red paint if you don’t...

Going Green Facts Are their any none cliches going green facts?

Question by SimsBoi101: Are their any none cliches going green facts? OK i have a project with going green and i need some facts about going green but i have already used all the facts that I know Can anyone help me. Best answer: Answer by PharaohThe Best Free Article Links. Try typing a key word or 2 into the search box and see if it throws anything useful up:

Green Technology Q&A: What is a green technology that you would like to see invented?

Question by P4BZ: What is a green technology that you would like to see invented? It has to be green and can’t exist already. You can upgrade an existing technology though. Best answer: Answer by thorMore efficient engines are theoretically possible to build, it’s just that no one has yet. If it doesn’t have to follow the laws of physics, how about a heat pump that takes in energy from the environment, concentrates it and runs it through a stirling engine to produce more power than it takes to run the heat pump in the first place? Add your own...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Green Living Products website that rates products on health/green living?

by Moosicorn Question by Megan: website that rates products on health/green living? Buying things that are natural or organic, good for me, good for the environment, effective, etc. are very important to me…I have found websites that rate the levels of toxins and such in beauty products, but none for home cleaning products and such…anyone know of any website like this? Best answer: Answer by Tink

Green Living Store Which major grocery store chains carry green curry paste?

by Paul Wittal Question by Rebekah: Which major grocery store chains carry green curry paste? When I was living in a state in the midwest I found green curry paste easily at a regular grocery store chain nearby. For some reason now that I am on the eastcoast I am having a really hard time finding it. I already found green curry sauce, but I need the paste. Best answer: Answer by AshtolWhole foods. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:carry, chains, curry, Green, grocery,...

Green Apartment Living What are many "green" things that I could do for living in an apartment?

by La Citta Vita Question by Simpsfan: What are many “green” things that I could do for living in an apartment? What I want to know.. 1) How to save the heating/electric bills. 2) How to save water. 3) What are the products that are useful for lifetime use whether living in a house or apartment? 4) Tips about shopping. 5) Whatever else applies. Best answer: Answer by abbyful1) How to save the heating/electric bills. - Get energy saving bulbs. You can take them with you when you move, too. (Keep...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Simple Living What area of Portland has more of a neighborhood, walk to get everywhere feel/simple living AND what is the?

Question by ontheroadagainwithoutyou: What area of Portland has more of a neighborhood, walk to get everywhere feel/simple living AND what is the? best way to get from Portland to Seattle if you don’t have a car-bus? train? what/how/where-again the simplest way. thanks! any of the areas within walking/biking distance to a Trader Joes? Best answer: Answer by Chris JProbably the bests neighborhoods that have that “simple feel” and has a lot to do within walking distance are the Hollywood District...

Austin Green Living Q&A: Where do I find 'green tomatoes'?

by Krikit ♥ Question by ash: Where do I find ‘green tomatoes’? I have a recipe that calls for green tomatoes. It is a Mexican style dip. I am not sure if they are just unripened tomatoes or an actual green tomato. I live in Austin, Tx. Thanks! Best answer: Answer by PJ1990I think they’re just unripe tomatoes for the most part. I could be wrong though. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Austin, find, Green, Living, tomatoes'...

Green Living Communities I am intersted in a earth ship and going green but I am the working poor any suggestions?

by Shira Golding Question by wyldkisses79: I am intersted in a earth ship and going green but I am the working poor any suggestions? Hi, I am currently broke as a joke and renting a trailer in missouri. But I have big plans for my future, I want to go green. I already reuse reduce and recycle, and conserve anything that I can. I am looking into buying land in about 5 years when all my kids are in school and I can get a full time job to fund a earthship or another type of self sutainig green living....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Austin Green Living Q&A: Crime on the Green belt -- Austin, TX?

Question by P D: Crime on the Green belt — Austin, TX? Does anyone know of incidences of crime (e.g. rape, murder) on the Green belt in Austin, Texas? I’m a college age female, live in South Austin (my apartment has access to the Green Belt), and I wander through there a couple of times a week with my dog (a big dog, but definitely not a guard dog). I would go more often, but there’s something about being out there alone that’s kind of creepy. I’ve already looked online and couldn’t find anything, and yeah I know, safety in numbers, carry pepper...

Green Living Guide Green Living, Environmental, Energy Efficient, and Durable Home; Info/Education for planning to build one?

Question by Nohbdy Ahtall: Green Living, Environmental, Energy Efficient, and Durable Home; Info/Education for planning to build one? If you watch the “Green Planet” channel, and have seen the show “World’s Greenest Homes”, well then you might get the idea. I want to build an almost completely energy-efficient house, that is good, maybe even great, for the environment. Solar panels, wind turbines, and whatever else there could be that’d help. I don’t mind using recycled material for construction and furniture, and I definitely don’t mind if I have...

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