Question by Michelle: What are the best apartments to live in around Plano, Allen or Mckinney?
I wanna know the best apartments to live in around plano, allen or mckinney. Could you tell me the price and other information you have on the apartments? Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by TX2step
I go by a beautiful apartment complex regularly in Allen. It’s on Exchange (off the 75), between 75 and Greenville. They are really pretty buildings, in a gated complex – across from a huge park,and with trees and fields on the other sides. So, it’s not congested, and there aren’t any other building around it. The buildings are all set at angles, with lots of green space between them. I’m sorry I don’t know the cost though:) …. The name of them are The Heights
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Tags:Allen, Apartment, apartments., around, best, Green, Live, Living, Mckinney, Plano
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