Question by kiodo99: Would JoAnne’s or another fabric store be good to get green screen material?
I’m looking for something I can use for a less expensive green screen. I figured I could go to JoAnne’s Fabrics or someplace to get something lime green or at least offbeat enough to work for a chroma key. I’m in a hurricane right now so I can’t exactly run out to check.
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
You will have to ask them to special order chroma key material. The green and blue of chroma key is special, not just any hue of green or blue will work to produce commercial quality images
On the art side of photography, the imprecise colour of “off the shelf” green and blue material to add to the uniqueness of the resulting images
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Tags:another, Fabric, Good, Green, JoAnne's, material, Materials, screen, store, would
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