Saturday, April 5, 2014

Simple Living Can dogs live outside?

Question by Nddork=]: Can dogs live outside?
Growing up my family always had a pack of dogs 5-9, mainly American bulldogs, and sharpes. They were outside dogs. People were shocked because they never came inside. Our dogs never tried either, they always waited by the door. Great guard dogs. If someone was walking by our house they would warn us, and if someone was driving up to our house. I live in a rural area and we have a dog catcher, they don’t catch dogs that have collars on them and they leave our dogs alone because she knows they wonder when they want exercise. Right now we only have 4 dogs, the lowest we’ve ever had. They never run away and we don’t have a fenced yard. They will wonder but if I were to go outside, whistle and call all their names, they would be running to me within a few minutes. We never exercise them because they usually exercise themselves and when they are tired I usually see them laying out in the grass or on our porch sleeping, the only time they leave is when they get bored and they usually all run together in the fields by our house. We have a medium sized canal by our house that runs water through the summer and when our dogs get hot you can see them jumping in to cool off. Once or twice a year we will have a litter of puppies and we take the mom and her pups into our garage and let them stay there, it has a doggy door for our dog. One of our dogs doesn’t like the garage so she will take her pups out and dig a hole in the shade and put them in there, I guess because its cooler in the hole for the pups? It’s cooler in the garage but mother knows best. People like our pups because they usually get pretty big and people keep them as guard dogs (we have alot of people in our area that like to wonder on others property) so we hardly have any puppies left to keep and the ones that aren’t adopted just stay with us. They almost always are. We feed them in big bowls and dog food is expensive but we love our dogs. It might be odd but I see no harm in this??
Actually they don’t bite when they are wondering they will bark when people get close to our house. And if someone gets bite on our property they can’t sue, where I live we have our own set of rules and the government can’t interfere without having permission. They can’t even enter our land without permission.

Best answer:

Answer by Raegan
Why buy a dog when all you’re gonna do is let them live outside through the coldness hotness and no love at all? I say no because its not very nice but its my opinion I have a very very soft spot for dogs :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:dogs, Live, Living, outside, Simple


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