Saturday, April 12, 2014

Green Living Tips What does a clothes dryer, heater, and humidifier have in common?

Question by bandaidgirl: What does a clothes dryer, heater, and humidifier have in common?
And still be living green?

My dryer is all 3 in One. I took the hose off the outlet(where the air goes to the outside of the house), put a panty hose over it to catch the lent and let the heat into the house. It also allows extra moisture into the house as well. I refuse to turn my heater on. It’s suppose to be in the 20s tonight. And I hate paying the electric company all that money. So I’m trying to live as economic as possible. Green living to all….
Yes, they all run on electric, but I’m only running one. My Dryer. And getting good results with it as a heater and humidifier.

Best answer:

Answer by Tierra T
They all run on electricity.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Clothes, common, dryer, Green, Heater, Humidifier, Living, Tips


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