Question by koala_master_101: What are the pros to the new building laws/ with going green?
i would really like some help answering this question please. i don’t really understand. i know that the cost of going green is more expensive. but is it for a good cause?
Best answer:
Answer by Carpenter
Yes it is for a good cause. “Green Building” means that the building is energy efficient and does not waste as much energy. It also has to do with the materials its made out of. For instance some buildings that use stone for a solid base now use recycled concrete that has been taken from an older building. Also using certain “earth friendly:” building materials. I hope this helps you, this is not a professional definition of Green Building, merely a scratch on the surface.
Here I found this link on Google for you to check out it will explain it more than I did.
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Tags:Building, Going, Green, laws, pro's
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