Thursday, April 10, 2014

Energy Efficient Homes If I wanted to start learning about the basics of making a home more energy efficient, and installing?

Question by Winston: If I wanted to start learning about the basics of making a home more energy efficient, and installing?
Some green energy applications, such as heated flooring and such, where would be a good place to turn? My local library has very few books on the subject. Any suggestions for websites, magazines or so forth?

I have plenty of time to research, I won’t even be buying a junker of a house for a while.

Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by balloon buster
Mother earth news, underground housing ( I believe the book is published by the University of North Dakota), and read all you can on the subject. Two things to beware of, charlatans and overly enthusiastic people lacking in experience. I have been in a couple of underground houses that were energy efficient but stifling due to lack of air turnover. See the NoDak book on camel’s nose. I have been in extremely efficient modern designed houses that suffer from the same problem. Basically, you are building a space ship or submarine. Think of it in those terms.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:about, Basics, Efficient, energy, home, Homes, Installing, learning, Making, more, start, wanted


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