Saturday, March 22, 2014

Green Home Plans female green terror question?????please?

Question by : female green terror question?????please?
i am thinking of getting a baby female green terror and i was just wondering about some stuff like
how big does a female get
what do they eat
what tanksize minimum for 1 female on her own
and any more info on them

Best answer:

Answer by Robert
A full grown female Green Terror will get about 6 inches , but you could put a baby in a 10.

They eat the same stuff as other large cichlids, all kinds of worms, frozen krill, pieces of boiled shrimp. flake food, feeder goldfish, and beef heart.

They will not get vicious until they reach adulthood. small ones makes good community fish, and even some larger females do, but a mature male or a mature pair can be super vicious to tankmates. they are generall fairly friendly to people, and will eat out your hand.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:female, Green, home, Plans, questionplease, Terror


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