Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Green Home Design Why aren't we building environmentally friendly homes?

Question by ilikeemd: Why aren’t we building environmentally friendly homes?
The technology is out there, how come we are not building wheelchair accessible, environmentally friendly homes? In the Plains states air conditioners and natural gas furnaces are the biggest energy consumers in the home. With all the new solar technology and water to air heat pumps, how come more environmentally friendly homes aren’t being built? Can’t the average American afford such a home? I know that installing a loop system that utilizes the earth as a heat sink can cost several thousand dollars.

Best answer:

Answer by Vince M
First, many builders ARE building “green” technology homes. Second, you hinted at the reason not everyone builds that way. Initial costs are higher than traditionaly designed structures. Saving pennies on energy costs means that a homeowner will not realize his energy savings potential until years down the line. Meanwhile, he has to come up with money out of pocket to get into such a home in the first place.

Finally, why should all homes require wheelchair access? If that were required, there would be no second story or split level homes, nor homes built on hillsides, or above garages. These newer options should open up design opportunities, not restrict them.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Aren't, Building, Design, Environmentally, friendly, Green, home, Homes


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