Question by bpiegari: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Loan?
Im am looking for lenders who are giving home improvement loans for energy efficient upgrades on redsidental homes. These loans are for current homeowners. All I have been able to find FHA’s Energy Efficient Mortgage but thats not what i need. Does anyone know any lenders with this type of loan?
Best answer:
Answer by Red E3
FHA and VA are the up and running programs if you did not find what you wanted there you are out of luck
a new program PACE (property Assessed Clean Energy) never got off the ground but could be available in the future. Frannie and Freddie mac all but killed it a couple of weeks ago. It might morph into something else.
Homestar is before congress now and might pass. It might not
call your local utility as they have a pulse on stae, regional and local programs
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Tags:Efficient, energy, home, Homes, Improvement, loan
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