Sunday, November 10, 2013

Green Jobs What are/will be some in-demand "green" jobs involved with helping the environment?

Question by Amethyzt Moon: What are/will be some in-demand “green” jobs involved with helping the environment?
What are some in-demand or soon-to-be-in demand green jobs which involve improving the earth’s environment? What do you have to major in college for that?

Best answer:

Answer by Andrew D
Water Quality jobs are beginning to really boom… Besides oxygen water is our most important resource, thus pollution of that source is of big concern. I’m an Environmental Specialist: Water Quality Specialist…. there are many routes you can take in order to become one. I know some people who have 4 year B.S. degrees in Environmental Studies who work in the field… 4 year B.S. degrees in Biology, Chemistry, etc… Although, I would like to mention that a majority, including myself have one of the above as well as a Masters degree in a similar field… Internships related to this type of work help a lot as well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:are/will, environment, Green, helping, indemand, involved, jobs, some


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