Question by Vern: How do I build a Shipping Container Home?
I am getting ready to build my first home , however I refuse to live in a traditional, expensive, non eco-friendly house. I have decided that I am going to build a very unique and sturdy shipping container home. However I have no idea how to do that. Does anyone know of any builders, designers, plans, resources, etc. that specialize in the construction and financing of a shipping container house?
Best answer:
Answer by jakeb
There a house near here made with a couple shipping containers. It wasn’t low cost or easy, and I don’t really see how it is eco-friendly. It is very sturdy and may be practically tornado proof though. You still need documentation for snow loads and wind loads and insulation values for your permits. This may entail a structural engineer.
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Tags:build, Container, friendly, home, Homes, Shipping
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