Question by flubber3456: What things will naturally live and grow in my pond?
I have recently built my own pond. What animals will start to live in my pond by themselves. What plants will start to grow and will they benefit the pond? Do freshwater snails go into the pond by themselves to help keep the water clean? Or will I have to introduce them myself. And if you have any tips on keeping a pond feel free to comment
How would I get the snails, would I have to find them myself in another pond or freshwater stream?
Best answer:
Answer by Kathy S
You need to introduce aquatic plants and snails. Anything airborne like water boatmen, pond skaters, dragon and damsel flies will arrive by themselves, ditto amphibians like frogs, toads and newts. We started a wildlife pond last year in addition to our ornamental pond and already have quite a cast list living there…build it and they will come.
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Tags:Green, grow, Live, Living, Naturally, Pond, things, Websites
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