Friday, September 6, 2013

Green Living Guide What are the steps to making a perfect cup of tea?

Question by Kayla M: What are the steps to making a perfect cup of tea?
I used to drink tea occasionally a few years ago but it was always made by other people. I’ve gotten really into it now though and I want to know how to make the perfect cup. I’m in college and live in a dorm so I don’t have access to a stove to boil water, but I’ve been using the microwave. Also, I have a tea strainer that goes in the mug and tea bags that don’t have strings to hold. Can someone explain how to use these and how to make the perfect cup and what to add? Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by The Watchful Protector
Get hot water (boiled, preferably) and let it cool for a minute before pouring it over a mug with teabags (1 teabag per 8 ounces) already in it. let it sit for 1-2 minutes (or longer, but the taste gets stronger the longer you leave it in), and then take the tea bags out. as you are taking them out, dip them up and down a little bit. then wait for it to cool to your desired temperature.

at that point it is healthy
if you want to go further and dont care about health, then you can add sugar, cream, milk, honey, whatever you wish. it will take some experimenting to find out what you like best.

1 cup = 8 ounces.
mugs are usually 2 cups in size.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Green, Guide, Living, Making, Perfect, steps


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