Question by eye welcome their hate: Does it totally warm your cockles to see all the corporations try to rehabilitate themselves?
** Oil companies telling us in their commercials how dedicated they are to developing green energy solutions… Yeah, let’s do this!
** Banks telling us how much they care and they only just want to help us. Yeah! Solutions! Totally all about the solutions!
** Walmart will hire veterans (at minimum wage — they don’t really go out of their way to explain that along with boasting about the hiring), and they promise they will “try” to buy “more” US made products “where they can”.
Yeah, let’s do that, let’s develop green energy, let’s help one another, find solution and make a smarter planet… and let’s start by minimizing and excluding all the subhuman scum that ruined the earth and civilization in the first place.
Yeah, I want a greener planet, and step one is getting you out of the way.
Yeah, I want to help one another and find solutions, and step one is removing you from the process.
Yeah, I want to make a smarter planet, and step one is stripping your dumbass of your power.
Let’s do this. Let’s make the world better. Let’s imprison all the corporate criminals, revoke their corporations, seize and redistribute all their assets, end their reign of terror and make the world greener, smarter, better. When are we going to see that commercial?
Best answer:
Answer by Japanelo Diranela
Let’s hope it’s sooner than later.
What do you think? Answer below!
Tags:cockles, corporations, Green, rehabilitate, Solutions, themselves, totally, WARM
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