Question by John: What kind of fish have the same habitat as a betta?
I have a betta in a divided tank and I would like to know what kind of fish could live in the same water? They will both be safe I just want to know what type of fish could live in the same water.
It is a 10 gallon tank. We had a betta in there before and he died so we were thinking of putting a different fish in there this time. The fish would be divided with 5 gal each and can’t see each other.
No filter it’s just heated and we change the water regularly.
Best answer:
Answer by mle
By same water you mean filtered and heated? Other tropical fish. But if it’s a divided tank, unless it’s 10 gallons or larger, you cannot keep any other fish in there. I try to keep divided tanks understocked, because filtration is always slightly affected by a divider. So another betta would be best if you have a smaller tank. If your tank is larger than 10 gallons, there is no need to divide it, just get a school of tetras or something nice.
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Tags:betta, Fish, Green, Habitat, kind, Living, same, Solutions
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