Friday, July 19, 2013

Sustainable Home Design what are the differences between a prefabricated construction house and a built on site house?

Question by curiousniks: what are the differences between a prefabricated construction house and a built on site house?
which is more costly and eco-friendly and easier to build?

—built on site house (raw materials, cement, etc are transported into the site)

—or a prefabricated house (prefab modules and parts delivered into the site for assembly)

and how significant is the difference between the two?

also what are the pro’s and cons of the two building methods?

Best answer:

Answer by Rouse
A prefabricated house can come in several different forms. They can be completely built, usually in halves that join together at the peak, and trailered to the site. They can come in wall, floor and ceiling panels, complete with foam insulation with finished material inside and out, or as a stick-built kit, with pre-cut, dimensional lumber and roof trusses.

Generally, the pre-fab is more expensive because you pay for the labor up front, but you gain by the fact that they go together much faster. The relative costs can be deceiving. If you hire a contractor to build your house from raw materials, on-site, and depending on the cost of local labor, the pre-fab house could be cheaper because the factory labor is usually less costly than carpenters. If you buy the materials and do much of the work yourself, you will most likely save, and of course you have complete control of the quality.

If you purchase a pre-fab or kit home, you are usually constrained to a relatively few stock floor plans. Some of these manufacurers will allow you to come up with your own floor plan, but then the costs often become prohibitive.

Quality also varies considerably between different manufacturers of pre-fab houses so you have to be careful who you buy from. Of course the same is true if you buy a house built on site by a contractor, especially if it is spec. built. If you commission the construction and take time to perform inspections, you have more control and the contractor knows he’s being watched and will perform a more honest job.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:between, built, Construction, Design, differences, home, house, prefabricated, site, Sustainable


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