Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Green Solutions Explain the following through a series of equations?

Question by Chem: Explain the following through a series of equations?
Explain the following observations through a series of equations. The green solid CrCl3.6H2O dissolves in water to form a green solution. The solution slowly turns blue-green; after a day or two, the solution is violet. When the violet solution evaporates to dryness, a green solid remains.

Best answer:

Answer by Colin
This is explained at http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Owuv-c9L_IMC&pg=PA223&lpg=PA223&dq=chromium+CrCl3+water+reaction&source=bl&ots=zWrZZlmNd7&sig=KbYLpMTHjZr-KoSQNVOXu9B6aRM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=v2l0T6KZHMr80QXmvP3iDw&sqi=2&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=chromium%20CrCl3%20water%20reaction&f=false

The most common form of CrCl3 sold commercially is a dark green hexahydrate with the formula [CrCl2(H2O)4]Cl.2H2O. Two other hydrates are known, pale green [CrCl(H2O)5]Cl2.H2O and violet [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3.

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Tags:equations, Explain, following, Green, Series, Solutions, through


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